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I helped Rachel into the car.

"What do you have on your arm?" She asked as I glanced down I noticed the shopping basket was still laced around my arm.

"Oh no!" I covered my mouth in horror.

"Oh, what the hell now?" She shouted.

"I think I shoplifted!" I whispered. "What do I do?" I dropped the basket as if it was burning.

"Nothing you don't have time to do anything!" She grilled me. She rested her head on the back of the seat and took deep breaths as I hopped in the front seat.

"Hurry!" She scolded at me.

"Don't you think I'm trying to?" I sarcastically.

"JUST DRIVE!" My heart started to race as I felt cramped for time. The hospital wasn't too far from here. But the fact that I had my pregnant, in labor, best friend in the front seemed to make time move slower. We hit traffic a mile away from the store. I started to panic and anxiously started to tap the steering wheel occasionally laying on my horn.

"You have got to be kidding me." Rachel whined and held her round baby bump in pain.

"It's okay Rach, the hospital isn't that ..." I was interrupted by a long pained scream.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god" I chanted nervously.

"Why, why did Hollywood do this to me? Why do they make this look so easy." She comforted herself with sarcasm. She looked at me with a painful glance. "This is soooooo not easy!" I attempted to speed past the cars apparently I was white line certified. We were just a few blocks away from the hospital now. I noticed a flashing red and blue light from behind me, the police.

"Don't you dare pull over!" Rachel commanded.

"I have to!" I pulled over to the side of the road. I sat behind the wheel, waited and watched as the young officer walked up to my Ford Focus as slowly as possible. This is it! I'm gonna get arrested for driving like a maniac! I told myself before recalling that I had just speed out of a grocery store parking lot with stolen goods! Yep straight to the slammer!

"Hello ladies what's the hurry?" He asked leaning in my car window.

"What's my hurry?" She asked the officer in sarcasm. "My hurry is my baby is about to be born in my best friends Ford Focus and you decide to pull us over!" She shouted her face turning a steaming red.

"Woah, no, no my niece is not going to be born with my brand new Ford Focus!" I argued.

"I don't see anyone of you doing much to prevent it!" We both glared at the officer who was gathering all the information for a minute.

"Right now, oh right, sorry ladies I will give you a police escort to the hospital. Would that be helpful?" He asked.

"Very!" Rachel yelled as he turned around to get into his car.

"Thank you!" I yelled after him before turning to Rachel.

"Huh, Men." She rolled her eyes as we followed the police officer to the hospital. She seemed calm for a moment but still in pain. Once we finally arrived at the hospital I quickly found an abandoned wheelchair and rolled it over to the passenger seat.

"You're crazy if you think I'm going to sit in that." She said grouchily.

"Well you don't exactly have time to be picky now, do you?" I scolded.

"That's okay I will just sit here." She crossed her arms stubbornly.

"You are not having the baby here. No, not in my brand new Ford Focus!" I yelled at her and dragged her out of the car against her own will.

"Words can not describe how much I despise you in this moment, Jane!"

"Oh trust me you'll be thanking me later." I promised.

"Oh really? And why is that?" She asked sarcastically.

"For preventing you from becoming a headliner in primetime news by six o'clock for having a car baby!" I could see she was imagining the horror before I wheeled her into the hospital.

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