22. Best Friend

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I stood in Lucy's kitchen with the little kids all at the table waiting for breakfast. Luke and I made pancakes, eggs and bacon for breakfast. We stood in the kitchen laughing as Summer smiled awkwardly in the highchair. I heard the front door swing open and slam shut.

"That must be June." I smiled excitedly and went to go introduce myself.

"Hi you must be June, I'm...." I began.

"I dont care." She cried and ran back to her room slamming the door behind her.

I looked back at Luke confused. As he stared back at me wearing a huge grin from ear to ear.

"Finally, I'm not the only one, I like her!" He amirked.

"Ahut up!" I said throwing an apple at his head.

"Ow!" He shouted after the apple crashed into his forehead. Peter looked at me and then Luke.

"Women." He shrugged and turned back around towards the table as I scoffed in response. I walked to June's bedroom and knocked on the door.

"June its me Jane." I announced.

"Go away." She sobbed.

"Please, talk to me." I pleaded. "Whats wrong?" I asked.

"Leave me alome!" She demanded, I slid my back along the door until I reached the floor.

"Suit yoursf I'm just gonna sit here until you let me in."I exolained.

"You know when I was your age..." I began before the door opened and I fell backwards onto the ground. Hitting my head really hard. I rubbed it softly and bit my lip.

"Gosh your already annoying and youve only been sitting out there for a minute or two." She insulted me as I rose to my feet and closed tje door behind me. She sat on her bed and held a pink pillow close to her chest that was marked with salty tear stains.

"Whats going on?"

"You wouldnt understand its a friend thing." She wiped her tears.

"Believe me I've had my fair share of friendship ups and downs. Maybe I can help, but I guess youll never know unless you tell me." I explained.

"Its Riley." She sobbed.

"June and I got into a fight."She sniffled.

"Whose Riley?"

"My best friend."

"What about?"

"She likes Henry Faden."

"Henry Faden is this boy I like at school." She confessed.

"So you and Riley like the same guy?" I asked.

"Yeah." She pouted.

"My best friend Rachel and I both liked this guy in highschool named Holden Atkins. Rachel and I didn't know that we liked the same guy. He asked us both to prom, Rachel and I fought for weeks over him." I explained.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Rachel and I couldn't live without each other we were best friends, so prom night we both went to prom threw punch is Holdens face and had fun at prom together." I recalled. " The point is the will be plenty of guys but you only have one best friend. There's only one person whose going to stick by you no matter what through thick and thin, you should hold onto her tight and never ever let her go. Because best friends are irreplaceable they always will be." My voice cracked as I remembered my best friend and how hard it is to fill this empty space she left, I knew I could replace her just as June couldn't replace Riley. When they say best friends forever they really mean it.

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