18. One Night Stand Repellent

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It was late on a Saturday night when I heard the doorbell ring. It kept ringing continuously until I opened it. A blond haired tall skinny girl with green eyes stood impatiently. Wearing a skimpy black cocktail dress with a plunging neckline. She was practically barely dressed.

"I'm sorry but I think you have the wrong house." I explained.

"No this is Luke's house." She explained.

"Oh is it now?" I responded.

"Who are you?" She asked we with a hostile hint.

"LUKE." I called him downstairs. "Oh I'm his wife." I lied evilly. "One moment please I said while slamming the door in her face.
Luke ran down the stairs as I stood there with Summer in my arms.

"I had no idea you were sending a stripper gram to yourself." I laughed.

"Be nice her name is Mae." He explained.

"More Like Mae-be she should put some clothes on." I laughed at my own joke. He picked up fresh flowers in a vase that I couldn't find time to unwrap or even water.

"Hey those are mine." I protested. He opened the door and held out the flowers to her.

"You ready to go?" He asked. She accepted the flowers and looked at him angrily. She held the flowers above her head and started to swat him with the bouquet.

"YOU HAVE A WIFE AND A BABY!!!!!! WHAT A SCUMBAG." She yelled at him infuriatingly. She continued to hit him until the last flower fell on the floor she turned around turn around and stomped all the way to her car.

"DON'T EVER CALL ME AGAIN." She demanded.

"Come again." I yelled encouragingly. With a grin on my face. He looked at me in disbelief.

"Psychos huh?" I smiled biting my lip.

"This is unbelievable, I was so careful, no strings and no unprotected sex and I still end up with a girl and a kid." He sighed. "This situation makes for an effective one night stand repellent." He plopped down on the couch and watched football with a depressed look on his face. Summer and I peeked out the window to see if she drove off. The car was gone.

"Did you see that Summer. If you ever dress like that I will ground you till you're ninety." I whispered sternly as she giggled.

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