Chapter Two: Maybe!

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Chapter Two: Maybe!

"Wheres you goin' anyway?" Spot spoke as we continued to walk.

"A place called 'The Inn', I believe." I said looking at the buildings that panned out all around us. And, I'm glad I did, because we were standing right in front of it. "We'll if th-that was a s-s-snake, it sure would've bit us!"

Spot started to laugh, and I couldn't keep the disappointed look off my face, because he must have been making fun of my stutter. I'm not quite sure why, but the thought of him making fun of my stutter really stung. I hung my head down and refused to look him in the eye, because I thought we were gonna be friends.

"Why ain't youse laughin'? Ya gotta admit that was funny!!" Spot said and as he did my head snapped up my disappointment changed to anger.

"A speech impediment is n-n-not something to laugh about! I c-ca-can not help-p it! You are a j-joke if y-you r-really t-thought I'd like to be put down li-like that!" I was now fully yelling at him, his beautiful smile dropped of his face and rightfully so. I could tell he wasn't used to being talked to in such a manner, but there was no way I was gonna let him get away with it. "Well, what do you have to say for yourself?"

"I... I wasn't tryn' ta makes fun at cha stuttah. Ise was just thinkin what youse said was funny. Ya knows... 'bout da snake ting." He replied quietly and a bit shaken.

My face softened and then flushed red again, because I was embarrassed that I had made such and outlandish scene and assumption. I looked into his eyes and felt my heart drop. I really made a fool of myself.

"Oh Spot! I'm so very sorry! I-it's just... w-well boys t-they al-always made fun of-f me and I-I thought...." I was trying to explain myself, but I felt like an even bigger idiot. So, I picked up my suitcase, stepped closer to him and lightly kissed his cheek hoping to apologize that way. I saw his cheeks blush a bit and it brought a light smile to my face. I turned around and started for the doors.

"Will I get too see ya again? Maybe youse could come down ta Brooklyn!" spot yelled after me. I smiled still with my back to him. Then I threw my head over my shoulder and gave him a quick, "Maybe.", before pushing open the Inns doors and making my way to the front desk.


It's been a week since I arrived in Manhattan, and the money I left with was depleting quickly. The Inn keeper had left a note on my door, saying I would have to leave tomorrow and I had sold two out of the three the dresses I had traveled with so that I could eat. I honestly had planned on finding some sort of job but no one would hire a women, never mind a girl.

On top of it all, I could not stop thinking about Spot. I wanted to go and see him, I mean he said something about Brooklyn, but I didn't want him to think I was desperate or to forward. Though, since I would have no place to stay as of tomorrow, maybe he could help me out, even if its just for a few days.

I walked over to the bucket of water in the small washroom, and washed my face and the rest of my body, before pulling on my solid white night dress so that I could go to bed. But, before I tucked myself into the warm covers for the last time, I laid out the only dress I had left.

It was a simple burgundy color, that caused quite a bit of talk back south, with a low neck line -also something talked about- and my brothers boots, in which would be covered by the dress. I didn't sell this dress, because it was the one my ma had made for me when I turned sixteen and was engaged to by a boy my age, who was the heir of a large and wealthy family. This dress was meant to catch me a husband and I knew for a fact that Spot wouldn't be able to turn me away, especially now that winter was sneaking up in New York.

Crawling in bed, I grabbed my brother's bible and flipped to the last page I was on. 2 Chronicles 15:7 "But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded." Beside this in my brothers horrible handwriting, he had scrawled 'Read to Milly on wedding day'.

For some reason this brought tears to my eyes. Maybe it was because he mention me in one if his many marks in his bible. Maybe it was because he was going to speak at my wedding. Maybe it was because I realized he wouldn't be there for my wedding. Maybe it was the fact, that I might not get married at all. But what ever it was, pushed me over the edge and all the tears I ha pushed back in the past week came flooding out of my eyes and down my face, until I eventually cried myself to sleep.



Chapter Two Yo!!


QOTD: Have y'all seen the video where Adam Kaplan and Mike Faist are singing there version of "Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better"?

Haha it's soooo funny! Mikes all like "There's nothing better than the original,baby!" And at one point Mikes talking about "Any step you can learn I can do better. I can do any step better than you." And Adams all like "Huh! YES YOU CAN!" I MEAN WHAT!! ADAM KAPLAN AND MIKE FAIST!!



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