Chapter Seven: Rooftops

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Chapter Seven: Rooftops


"Welcome ta Tibby's!" Davey said as we walked into a smallish restaurant packed with all the Manhattan newsies, plus a boy and girl I haven't seem around before. "Come on, I want ta introduce you to somebody." Davey continued as he walked us towards the boy and girl I didn't recognize.

"JACKY BOY!" Davey shouted as he ran from me and into the boy with blond hairs arms. They hugged like they had not seen each other in years, but by the way Davey talked this morning, he had just seen him last night.

"I think Jack loves my brother more then he love me." Said a girl about three years older then me, putting her at about nineteen.

"They d-do look very c-c-comfortable with each other. I'm Milly, the n-new newsies." I said sticking out my hand to her.

"I'm Sarah, Davey's older sister and Jack's wife." Said Sarah, tucking her hair behind her ear as she shook my hand.

"Oh! Davey told-d me about y-you, it's so n-n-nice to finally m-meet you. I think you're the f-f-first girl I've talked to since I ga-got to New York." She giggled at my over excited-ness.

"Well I hope I make a good impression. So what's it like being a girl newsie?" She asked me.

"Today was her first day, and catch this Jack, she might even end up bing better then you!" Davey stepped in and answered for me.

"Whoooah there! No one can outsell the great ole' cowboy!" Jack said, holding his hands up in the air.

"Things change Jacky Boy! You moved up in the world and now we got us a girl newsie who may just take that numbah one sellin spot!" Davey said slinging his arm around me and laughing.

"Hahaha! If any ones gonna take that numbah one record, it'll be me!" Said the race, taking a puff of his cigar and blowing in in Jacks face.

Races' loud comment started everyone into a frenzy of everyone yelling that they were the best around and I couldnt help but turn my head into Davey's shoulder and laugh my butt off. They really take this stuff seriously and it was absolutely hilarious.

I must have been the only one that thought it was funny, because everyone went silent at the same time, but I didn't understand why. Well, that is until I turned around and saw non other then the Spot Conlon.

The look in his eyes was menacing and the words that left his mouth sent chills down my spine. "Davey. Outside. Now." I looked at Davy and he didn't look to phased by him.

Davey got up and took his arm off mine, but I grabbed his hand before he could leave and have it a quick squeeze almost as if saying "Just be careful." He squeezed back with a small smile and walked out of the door to follow Spot.


"How's you know Milly? Spit it out!" I spat impatiently at Davey. Typically I would nevah talk ta Davey like dat, he's a real solid guy, but da way he had his arms alls oveah and the way she was all oveah him, it made my blood boil!

"I tripped over her last night afta you wouldn't help her!" Davey said just as rudely as I spoke to him.

"I-I-I" I couldn't thinks of what to say, at that's a first.

"I can't believe you were so busy with some girl you wouldn't even talk to her and she almost had ta sleep on da street cos of youse! If I hadn't ah fell on her she'd still be on da street! For all wes know she could be dead and taken advantage of by now! Ya knows Spot you could be such an arrogant ass-hole sometimes!"

Ise couldn't believe what he said an also da fact that he was absolutely correct, but I just couldn't take it! So, I took a swing out if nowhere and clocked him on the jaw. Davey was caught unsurprised and fell backwards and hit his head on the ground.

"HUHHHHH!" I heard a gasp an looked at the entrance if Tibby's. Milly was standing in the doorway her hand clapped over her mouth and she stared at a know unconscious Davey.

Next thing I know she was slurring curse words, that not even my newsie said at me. Her stutter only exaggerated the intensityand hate she felt for me as she cradled Davey's head in her lap crying and sobbing.

The noise in Tibby's was so loud, that no one would be blue to hear us or help us. So I took a step towards them, but she threw her hands up screaming for me to stay away.

"Look Milly, I knows you don't want me help but, it's the only help youse gonna get right now!" The light bulb clicked in her head and she told me to grab his legs and shed grab his arms so that wes can carry him back to the 'Hattan lodge house.

It was a quite and quick walk back to the lodge house and Milly avoided any eye contact with me the whole time, and for some reason that hurt. She made me feel like a villain, and in away I guess I was. She probably hates me. I didn't help her let night and I'm the resin she's crying tonight. My track record with this girl isn't very good.

After passing a sleeping Kloppman in the lobby we carried Davey into the newsies bunk room and Milly told me to put him on her bed and so I did. Milly went to work, tending to the blood that dripped from his mouth and placed a cool rag on his forehead, before pulling the covers up to his chin and kissing his cheek.

"Y-You can leave now. I've t-t-taken care of my brother before, D-Davey is just the same." Her words were curt and her stare was cold.

"Milly look, I messed up an I'm so sorry! I dot know why Ise apologizin' cos it's not in me character, but you make me want ta apologize." I said, but was shhh, because I was talking to loudly.

"Look, if you wanna talk we can go up on the roof, but if you wake Davey i'll soak ya!" She said and I nodded my head and followed her out of the fire escape and up to the roof.

So many thought were passing through my head, and when she asked me what I really wanted to say I couldn't get the words out.

So, I did what felt right at the moment an pressed my lips to hers.



Second upload tonight!

How should Milly react? I'm on the fence with that one!


Is that weird.... I'm wearing no socks! Lolllllllllllllll


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