It Doesn't Hurt To Try

Start from the beginning

Once I made it there, I got out and jogged up to Rachel's door. I knocked really hard so they could hear me. I listened to the loud music coming from under the ground before the door swung open. Angie smiled and hugged me. She wobbled a bit as she let go. "You're kind of late." She looked at me as I followed her. "Well I'm here that's all that matters." I shrugged as we made it down stairs.

Music was blazing, the lights were out and there was neon lights around the room. Brittany was on top of the table with her shirt off, taking jello shots in her bra. And basically everyone else except Finn was drinking. He looked at me and signaled me over and I sat next to him on the couch. "I trust you to make sure I don't over drink." He yelled over the music. "I know. Don't worry, I've got you. Now why aren't you drinkin?" I yelled back. "Waited on you to get here." He got close to my ear. "GUYS FINN IS TAKING HIS FIRST DRINK." Rachel screamed. Everyone got up and crowded around him. I stepped it of the way and he took a long chug of a wine cooler. He smiled as everyone cheered.

"Someone should sing. As much as I love Whitney, this music is out dated" Blaine yelled. "I'll fix that." I smiled to myself. I got onto her stage and plugged my phone into the speakers. I grabbed the microphone and watched Finn starting quickly on his second bottle.

Camila: We're not supposed to be meeting like this. But when we get close I know we're gonna kiss. Can't keep my cool when I'm dancing with fire fire, fire.

I watched as Rachel took a seat in Finn's lap. She caressed his face and began to slowly kiss him. I felt revolt rise up in me, but kept it to myself. I'd never felt this way before when I saw them together. It was weird.......

I turned away and smiled to Mercedes who was dancing with everyone else in a small group

Camila: Keep tryna dip but I'm fixed on your face. Thirsty for you in an animal way. How do you do what you do to me babe? Fire, fire. Woah....... You're lookin like dynamite, dynamite. Woah...... You're lookin like dynamite, dynamite, dynamite....

I glimpsed over to Finn again and he was chugging down the second bottle with Brittany, Angie, Puck, and Artie chanting him on. I took a deep breathe.

Camila: You got me runnin' I can't catch my breath. Watching you move got me actin' obsessed. What's got to happen to get you undressed? You're fire, fire. Woah.... You're lookin like dynamite, dynamite. Woah.... You're lookin like dynamite, dynamite dynamite....

I took the mic off the stand and got off her stage and looked at Blaine. I laughed as he took my hand and sang with me.

Both: It's gonna blow up in my face. But c'mon light me up anyway. Sparks about to fly. I'm pushin' up tonight, up tonight. You're dynamite You're dynamite, oh....

Everyone cheered and I smiled. I then noticed Rachel popping open another cooler for Finn. I shoved the microphone into Blaine's chest and ran over, knocking it out of Rachel's and and causing it to bust onto the floor. "Oops! Sorry about that, maybe you should go clean that up before someone gets hurt." I looked at her. "That's a great idea!" She nudged me, slurring a few times. She danced her way over to the closet as I sat down. "You need to slow down Finn." I yelled to him. "No I dont, I'm fine! I'm just having fun!" He groaned. "Okay well don't be crying to me tomorrow when you wake up hungover!" I patted his back before getting up.

It was about 3 in the morning when everyone was tired. Santana was asleep on the bar with her dress ripped on the side wear she had ran into the wall and a loose nail caught onto it. Angie was sitting in Artie's lap looking at magazines. I stood on the the stage swaying side to side and Kurt came stumbling up to me. I grabbed his arms to steady him and sighed. "Hey you look tired, maybe you should go home." He smiled to me. "I guess I will since everyone's gonna crash here. Where is Finn?" I asked grabbing my things. "He went upstairs to go sit on the porch with Rachel." He pointed up. I waved goodbye to everyone before walking up the stairs and outside. Finn was yelling show tunes with Rachel. He had his arm around her as they rocked side to side.

"Cmon Finn it's time to go" I tugged at his arm as I watched the Uber start to park. "But one more song!!" He slurred. "No no you should go home babe! Enjoy some sleep!" Rachel yelled. I asked her to go inside why Finn got up. I held onto his arm as walked him down to the car as he stumbled everywhere, stepping on my feet a couple of times. "Toodaloo Finny Baby!!!!!" Rachel sang before shutting the door and going inside. I opened the door and helped Finn in. He hit his head on the side of the roof and laughed. "Are you ok?" I asked shutting door and scooting in next to him. "My head feels like and rollercoaster." He said. I helped him buckle his seatbelt.

He began to hum a song before randomly bursting out into song. "Shhh!!" I covered his mouth. Finn still started to sing as my hand covered his. I stayed like that until we got to my house. I payed the man before he left. Finn began to wander off down the sidewalk into the neighborhood. "No no no no." I grabbed him. I quickly took off my necklace and handed him one end. "Hold on and don't let go." I instructed him. "Ohhhhhh... are we playing a game?" His alcohol breathe hit my face like a train. "Yeah!!" I nodded. I turned around and unlocked the door, pulling Finn with the necklace. Once in, I shut the door and locked it, grabbed Finn's overnight bag he dropped off and took it upstairs with us.

I pulled him into the guest room and handed him his bag. "Change and go to bed, ok?" I asked. "No peeking while I change." He wobbily waved his finger in my face. "I wont." I laughed. I shut the door and went to my room. I sighed as I got my pajamas on, not bothering to take my makeup off. Once I turned out the light, Finn began to scream the lyrics to Chandelier by Sia. I groaned and covered my head with a pillow.

Opposites | Finn HudsonWhere stories live. Discover now