Not Safe After All

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It was just after one o’clock as River arrived at the mall with his friends. Trying to avoid any responsibility the group had decided to disappear and got to a movie. There was a new alien horror film out they wanted to see.

As they started to pass Chadler’s, Drew remembered Tori worked there. Curious if she might be there he said, “Didn’t you want to get Teresa a gift?”

“Yeah, I should. She is my niece and will be there by the time we get back.” River replied.

“Let’s check Chandler’s.” Drew suggested.

“A department store?” Hunter questioned.

“They have a children’s section.”

“Fine, but avoid the perfume side!” Harper sighed.

“Definitely!” Dustin agreed. “Last time I ended up with so much perfume sprayed on me I felt sick for two days.”

Drew lead the group into the store and reluctantly the other’s followed. As they walked through the store the hazel eyed man began scanning the area to see if he saw Tori.

“What are you looking for?” Hunter asked after they had made two strange turns, walking through the women’s department rather than around it.


“Who are you looking for?” Harper said becoming annoyed. Drew suddenly looked guilty. “You are looking for someone.”

“I was but I don’t think she’s here. Let’s just go to the children’s department.” Drew told them.

“Who were you…”

“It’s covered Tina.” The group looked and all but Drew were surprised to see Tori round the corner and head their way.

The blonde woman smiled but was surprised to see them. “Hi. What are you doing here?” She had never seen any of them in the store before and was curious why she was suddenly seeing them now.

“River’s niece is coming in and he wanted to get her a gift.” Drew said smoothly.

“Nancy and Teresa are coming in?” She said as her smile widened. “That’s great. Trevor must be on cloud nine.”

“He is.” River confirmed.

“Tori!” The blonde woman looked over to see Sandy coming her way. “You’re closing on Sunday right?”

“Actually I took Sunday off.”

“What? But you can’t!” The woman wailed accentuating her displeasure by putting two closed fists on her chest. “You always work Sunday night!”

“Sorry but I have plans.”

“What are you doing?” The woman said crossing her arms and tapping her foot. Tori raised an amused eyebrow at her. “Can’t you cancel?”

“No I can’t. I’m going for an early morning bike trip and then I have a pool party to attend.” Drew internally smiled pleased. River’s mother had invited the green eyed girl.

“What is it with you and the outdoors?!” Sandy complained. “I mean there is such a thing as too much physical activity.” Tori only smiled at the overweight woman. “I give up you’re hopeless.” Turning Sandy practically stomped off.

“Sorry about that.” Tori apologized for her co-worker.

“You’re coming to the estate on Sunday?” Harper inquired.

“Apparently. Not sure why but I am.”

“Why wouldn’t you be?” Dustin inquired.

“I got the impression we weren’t all being invited and a…” Touching her hair she added, “Blonde?” More than one of the guys smiled.“I’m not your type.” She said looking at River. Noticing the man looked like he’d apologize she said, “It’s okay. I’m not offended. Marriage is not something I’m looking for. I figured my blonde hair keeps me out of the mix.”

“You either don’t know when not to be honest or they haven’t told you.” Dustin commented.

They watched as Tori suddenly took on a look of ‘What don’t I know? And who am I going to hurt?’

“Tori.” The woman looked over at a redhead. “When you’re finished with them you can take your break.”

“Thanks Marcy.” The blonde woman looked back at the group. “I’ll show you to the children’s department and you can fill me in on the way.”

River nodded. It was obvious the girl had been told few details of what was happening.

Tori led them through the store and into the children’s wear department at the back of the store. As they’d walked she’d listened to everything Dustin and Drew told her.

Internally she groaned at the news. “Let me get this straight. I’m going to be betrothed either way?”

“Yep,” Hunter said.

“I’m going to hurt someone!” Tori said angrily.

“We’re all in this together.” Harper said and looked her over.

“Harper if you look me over like that one more time we’re going to step outside and I’m going to hurt you!” Tori warned. Harper abruptly took his eyes to hers. “I’m not a piece of meat. Got it?” There was more than one snicker from his friends but no one spoke.

“My dad is going to have a conniption.” Tori remarked.

“He knows.”

“No Drew he doesn’t. Trust me I’m Daddy’s little girl. He didn’t even want me sent to the dinner.” Looking at River she added. “It’s nothing against you Riv, it’s just…I’ve never been involved with my dad’s….friends.” Fully aware she was at work she was careful not to say the word Pack. “I’ve been kept separate from it.”

“You have?” Hunter asked.

“Yes. I know next to nothing. In fact the only members I know are Michael and Jake. I met Becky on the way to dinner.”

“You mean someone else actually knew less than us going into dinner?” Harper asked.

“Apparently.” Tori sighed and rubbed her forehead. This was not something she wanted to hear. “How long until all this is decided?” Her eyes were on River expecting him to know.

“Next Saturday is when everyone else, eligible, will arrive at the fairgrounds and meet.” Dustin informed her. “There may be a few that manage to get out of this but I highly doubt you will.”

“Great…Just perfect.” River internally smirked. She had the same view they did on all of this. Tori looked away and her eyes fell on a music box with dancing bunnies on it.

“What about that?” The woman walked over and taking it off a display case turned and showed it to River. “Trevor mentioned Teresa carries a bunny around and that she takes ballet.”

River looked at the pink, purple, turquoise, and yellow music box. “This is nice.” He commented. The dark haired man smiled as he noticed it played the song “Ballerina Girl”. Teresa loved the song. “This is perfect. Thanks Tori.”

“Glad I could help. Thanks for the info.” She said glancing at Drew and Dustin. “I might not like it but I needed to know.”

“See you Sunday.” Drew said. Tori nodded and after paying for the gift the group walked away; while the blonde woman headed off to phone her father. Someone was in trouble.

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