Enlightened by Ken

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Chapter 23

(Enlightened by Ken)

Tori threw the ball for Athena over and over again. The blonde girl was sure the white pup had more energy than any puppy she’d ever seen. She laughed as Athena dropped the ball at her feet and barked to have it thrown again.

“What are you the energizer bunny?” Tori teased.

Athena barked and twirled around in a circle, or at least attempted to, before clumsily falling over and landing on the ground. The pup rolled over and getting up stamped her front paws and promptly barked at the ground; as if the ground was to blame.

The green eyed girl couldn’t help but laugh at her rambunctious puppy. She sank down to the ground on her knees and Athena promptly ran up to her for love and attention.

“If River could see how much energy you have he might regret picking you,” Tori told the pup as she stroked the female’s fur. Athena promptly grabbed her hand and chewed it. “Sorry! Just kidding,” She said at the malamutes sharp teeth. “You can’t take a joke can you?” The white pup barked and promptly got up. She watched as Athena walked a few feet away and lay down with a huff.

‘She’s pouting!’ Tori thought to herself. Unable to help it she giggled. It was a mistake; Athena promptly got up and ran at her. “Yikes!” Tori started running with Athena close behind.


Ken stood in the shadows watching his younger sister. He smirked as the pup reacted to Tori’s comments before ultimately chasing her. He watched as Tori slipped and fell to the ground and the white ball of fluff ended up on her chest. Amused he walked towards her.

“Athena! Get off me!” Tori said through laughter.

“Glad you aren’t moping.”

“Ken!” Tori said excited to see him. She forced the puppy down and jumping up threw her arms around her big brother. “You’re here!”

“Gee Tori how could I not be?” The brown haired man asked. “I know you were disappointed I couldn’t be there when you had to deal with Salazar but did you have to cause an international wolf incident?”

“What? I did no such…”

“Oh yes you did,” Her brother informed her. “A Tribunal has been called. Every wolf Prince has to be here. Pierre must be here which is why I’m here. You know you never came across as the Drama Queen type before Tor.”

“Shut up!” Tori yelled and slugged him in the arm. “I did not do this!”

“Actually…” receiving an icy glare, Ken shut his mouth. “I didn’t say it was your fault; just that you caused it.”

Tori smiled realizing her brother was teasing her even in his serious sounding tone. “Ken, none of that type of teasing please?”

“I’m sorry,” The brown haired man said pulling her into a hug. “I know none of this is purposely your fault. You’re not devious and certainly not a drama queen.”

“I still don’t understand any of this. Dad said something about five years but when I mentioned I didn’t even know Lucas was a wolf he promptly left. Can you explain this to me?”

Ken sighed. He’d always known Tori being out of the loop would come back to bite them. He glanced around and knew someone was watching them. “Yeah… but not here. We’ll go to your room.” Tori nodded and picking up Athena they headed for Tori’s room.

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