Stipulations and Concern

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Chapter 7

(Stipulations and Concern)

River was in his room putting on his brown loafers when he heard the doorbell. A glance at the clock revealed it was two minutes before 9am. It would be Michael and his enforcers. Lord Gregory contacted both Tori’s father and Michael. Warner was Tori’s father but it was Michael that Lord Gregory would negotiate the contract with. Marriage contracts were done between alpha’s not parents. The only reason Warner would even know what was discussed was because he was Michael’s enforcers.

The contract would be ultimately decided by Michael and his father but River was allowed to be present. Females however were not involved in the negotiations at all and were in fact not allowed to be present. This being the case River knew his betrothed would not be here. Tori wouldn’t even be permitted to leave her house until the negotiations were finished and the contract signed.

The blue eyed man thought for a minute deciding whether or not to attend. Realizing her father would in fact be there made him want to go and at the same time stay far away. In the end he decided to be present. It was a contract about him and Tori. Between the two he had the true right to be there. It was only by his position that Warner would be there.

River left his room and headed for his father’s office where he knew his father would meet with Michael. He opened a back door and entered the room just as everyone was getting seated.

“Decided to join us?” Trevor inquired. While he was not the head of the family as a high ranking male family member he was also permitted to attend. Warner could have requested to attend as Tori’s father but it would have been Lord Gregory’s decision on whether or not he’d be allowed.

“I figured it was only right,” He replied. Glancing at Warner he gave him an acknowledging nod before walking over and sitting down next to his brother. Warner returned the nod.

“Alright we will begin with the basics,” Lord Gregory began. “Since Tori is recognized as belonging to your pack you will ascend in region position; making you third, where alphas are concerned.”

Michael nodded. Silently however the alpha was thrilled. He hadn’t actually expected his enforcer’s daughter to be chosen by River. He was hoping for Hunter or Drew.

“Tori will of course be expected at any family events. In turn River will attend any that come up with Tori’s family.”

“Agreed,” Michael said.

“I also want Tori present for any Pack meetings I hold.” Seeing Michael’s surprise he said, “I know you haven’t made the girl attend pack business but she’s marrying my son and will be expected to be there in the future. There is no reason for her not to acquaint herself with everyone now.”

“That’s acceptable,” Michael agreed. The alpha knew Warner wouldn’t be pleased but the request wasn’t unusual.

“Tori is to refrain from any male contact outside of family unless River is there.”

“That will be a bit difficult to adhere to,” Michael replied. “Tori has a job where she interacts with the public. She has to speak to men who aren’t family.”

“She can quit her job.”

“Tori likes her job. You can’t force her to quit before they’re married,” Warner told the lord. Lord Gregory looked at the enforcer less than pleased. A father could be present if allowed but was not to speak on behalf of his daughter. “I’d bring this up even if she wasn’t my daughter.”

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