Viscount Cain

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Chapter 14

(Viscount Cain)

River sat in his father’s office waiting for his instructions. Lord Gregory had decided it was time for his youngest son to take a prominent position in one of the families businesses.

“River, I’ve decided that you will take over White Wolf,” Lord Gregory announced. River simply nodded he understood.

“Do you even know what White Wolf is?” Trevor asked his little brother.

River looked a little sheepish before saying in a hopeful manner, “I figured you’d tell me?”

Lord Gregory rolled his eyes. Giving a heavy sigh he looked at his oldest son. “I thought you were exaggerating.” Trevor shrugged. “White Wolf is a winter sports company. Skiing, Ice skating, Hockey. We carry equipment for all of it including clothing.”

“Chadler’s sells our line of winter apparel, Tori will be familiar with it,” Trevor informed his little brother.

“Yes, and Tori will probably be very helpful to you. Her background in retail and dealing with Buyers will benefit White Wolf tremendously,” Lord Gregory said pleased. “I plan to have her join the White Wolf team as soon as possible. Tori enjoys retail and this will put her in a family company.”

“I’m sure she’ll…” Hearing a phone River fell silent and watched as his father answered it. Because it was a private phone line the Lord knew it was for him.

“Lord Gregory,” He said answering the phone. The two men watched as their father suddenly became very still and listened.

“Viscount, I… very well.”

River watched as concern and disappointment went across his father’s face. He didn’t need anyone to tell him something was wrong.

“You’re what?!... She…. I know but surely…” Defeated lord Gregory hung up the phone and looked at River. “You better contact Tori and try and see her before they take her.”

“Take her?” Trevor said baffled.

“Viscount Cain is taking Tori into custody until the hearing is over.”

“Can he do that?” River asked.

“Anything in question is often seized. However not normally people,” Lord Gregory admitted. Seeing his son look crestfallen he said, “Go see her. Once Cain’s men take Tori into custody no one will be allowed contact with her until after the hearing. Well no one outside of immediate family anyway.”

“Tori get’s off in an hour. They’ll probably seize her when she leaves work,” Trevor warned.

“I’ll go now.” The blue eyed man wasted no time and left his father’s office. He had to see Tori before she was taken from him.

“Go with him. I’ll contact Adler,” The Lord announced. Trevor nodded and quickly headed out to catch up with his little brother. Picking up the phone he dialed Prince Adler’s private number. “Please be there,” He prayed out loud. Hearing the phone pick up on the other side he said, “Adler, I need your help.”


Tori finished helping a couple of teenagers in the junior department and happily walked back to the apparel office before her shift ended. She walked through the heavy metal door behind lingerie and walked over to the bulletin board.

Finding no notes or flyers for upcoming events she checked the computer for any messages. She received a message for an upcoming contest and one from a buyer saying there would be an add change for the add in two weeks. Finished she logged off and headed for the time clock. Her shift was done.

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