A Party to Remember

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Chapter 2o

(A Party to Remember)

Athena jumped around and played with Teresa and several other people but stayed close to Tori. It was as if the two had been together since Athena was born instead of only a few hours.

“I know it’s stupid but I’m feeling jealous of that dog,” Hunter commented watching his bride Casey playing with the white puppy. “Athena’s getting more attention than anyone!” He complained crossing his arms and pouting.

“I’m glad you recognize it’s stupid to be jealous of a puppy,” Lady Kendra commented. Hunter didn’t reply but continued to pout.

River however thoroughly enjoyed watching Athena and Tori together. It only affirmed that he’d chosen the right puppy for his bride. Tori’s green eyes were sparkling she was so happy; he loved seeing her so happy.

Watching his bride lean over and whisper something in his niece’s ear however made him slightly stiffen. ‘What is she up to?’ The blue eyed man wondered.

“Uncle River dive for me?” The little girl asked giving him a ‘please’ face.

River smirked knowing it was his brides’ doing. “Sure.” The light brown haired man got up and giving his bride a look of ‘I know you’re the reason she’s asking’ he started past the small group and the puppy.

Tori waited until he walked past before looking at Athena. She held out her hand to the puppy telling it to stay. With a wink at Teresa she got up and went after her fiancé. Before anyone could warn him she ran up behind him and knocked him into the water.

The blonde woman laughed as the man made a huge splash. “Ah ha you….Ahhh!” She screamed as she was suddenly tossed into the pool herself.

“Daddy!” She said coming back to the surface to see her father standing there looking proudly guilty.

“You’re a couple; you’re supposed to do things together.”

“I don’t remember you helping with the fudge,” Karen called out.

“That’s a good thing. We both know he’d have eaten it all,” Tori called to her mother. Everyone laughed; Warner shrugged, not bothering to deny it.

“Ruff!” Tori laughed as she looked over to see Athena by her father. The Malamute barked and then growled before promptly attacking her father’s right shoe; pulling at the shoe lace.

Warner looked down at the young female. “Protective of her already are you?” Warner reached down and picked her up by the scruff. He lifted her to look at him in the eye. It took effort not to outright laugh as the pup growled at him.

Tori climbed out of the water and walked over by her father. “Daddy don’t antagonize her. She will be living at the house until I get married you know.” Reaching over she took hold of the puppy, which Warner released without argument.

“How’s my girl?” Tori asked. Athena instantly licked her cheek causing the blonde woman to laugh. “You are too cute.” She snuggled the pup and then looked over at River as he climbed out of the water.

Still holding the bundle of fur she walked over and kissed the blue eyed man. “Thank you again.”

River smiled and pulled her back for another kiss. Feeling the pup wiggle he looked down and smirked at his gift. “My turn.” He gently took the pup from her hands and handed it off to Nancy for his niece to play with.

Tori knew what her fiancé was doing but let him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him again.

“Get a room!” The two looked over and glared at Drew. The dark blonde man laughed at how alike they were in the response.

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