Intervention and a Decision

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Chapter 18

(Intervention and a Decision)

Cain entered the circular room where arguments would be heard as to whether or not the contract between River and Tori should be dissolved. He was pleased to see all of the Lord’s that had strong ties to Salazar were in attendance. The dark haired man had no doubt they’d side with Salazar to end the contract.

Unfortunately the Viscount noticed several Lords close to Gregory were also there. In fact every Lord under him was there. The man internally groaned not wanting to have to deal with this.

The Viscount took his place on a raised Throne behind a Marble desk. Casually he sat and then the rest of the room took their seats as well.

“We are here to hear arguments for and against the contract of Lord Gregory’s son, River and Tori Rhodes, Daughter of Warner Rhodes.” The Viscount internally smirked as he saw more than one surprised look on a few of the Lords’ faces. They had not all bothered to learn what the dispute was over.

“Lord Salazar since you brought about the objection, I will allow you to begin,” Viscount Cain announced.

Lord Salazar rose to his feet in confidence. Viscount Cain was his friend of course he would side with him. “For those of you that don’t know Tori Rhodes has been kept completely out of Pack affairs. The girl has had no exposure to our life until recently. In fact, Lord Gregory didn’t even know Warner had a daughter. Tori has not been allowed the freedom to meet members of the different Packs. In fact Only Michael and His other Enforcer Jake knew about the girl.”

Lord Salazar faced the other Lords. “Tori, is the daughter of one of the most powerful enforcers in the world. As you know female enforcers are rare; and Warner’s daughter is exceptional. Even Lord Gregory can’t dispute that. It seems to me that given the rarity of such a female, she should be given time with other enforcers.”

Sensing someone was about to speak up he said, “Enforcers are bred not decided. Tori would be well suited as a mate for an enforcer.”

River and his father both internally growled as they realized what Salazar was trying to do. Because Tori wouldn’t give Armand the time of day he was trying to use the fact she had enforcer blood in her to break the contract.

Both felt a sense of disappointment as Lord’s on both sides of the issue had to agree with Salazar’s words.

River’s heart sank as he knew things were beginning to look bad for him. Tori was not like any other pack girl. The fact she was female and the daughter of an enforcer made her very valuable; valuable to enforcers and in turn to other Lords. It meant any child she had Male or female would be strong.

As Salazar continued his objections to the contract even Lord Gregory began to become concerned. The Hispanic man was doing a very good job of luring the other Lord’s to agree Tori should be given to an enforcer instead.

“As you can see Tori is far more valuable to our race as an enforcer than a regional lady. Unless of course she was to mate with an enforcer before she was to wed River,” Lord Salazar suggested.

“You know that can’t be allowed!” River snarled.

“It could be if I agreed,” Viscount Cain said simply. “Would you still want her?”

“Yes but she shouldn’t have to…”

“My decision…”

“Is unnecessary.” Viscount Cain was more than a little surprised to see Prince Adler standing in the doorway. The Prince looked at Salazar, “The idea you would even suggest something shows complete lack of respect for Miss Rhodes,” He said not hiding his distaste.

The 6 ft. tall medium brown haired man entered the room slowly but powerfully. He reached the center and narrowed his eyes at Cain and then turned to look at Lord Gregory and River. In a very calm but firm tone he said, “I believe you and you’re bride have been separated long enough. The contract will stand.”

River couldn’t stop the smile that spread across his face. Relief swept through him. Tori was still his.

“Lord Gregory why don’t you take your son to collect his bride now,” Adler said calmly.

“With pleasure your Highness.” Lord Gregory rose to his feet and giving the man a bow headed for the door. River also got up and gave the man a respectful bow before quickly making his exit.

The wolf Prince waited until they were gone and then turned to face Cain and the others. “I find it rather disturbing you would consider the daughter of a man who has saved most of your lives at one point as breeding stock. Tori has not asked the contract be broken has she?” No one answered. “Has she?” The prince snapped at both Cain and Salazar.

“No,” Cain replied. “Lord Salazar was…”

“Angry Tori prevented him from capturing Teresa and Nancy as well as the fact she wouldn’t give Armand the time of day!” The prince said angrily. The prince shook his head and walked toward the doors that would lead him out of the hearing. “There will be investigations.”

The prince left the room leaving several ashamed Lord’s behind. They had gotten so caught up in Salazar’s speech they had forgotten they owed their lives to Warner. Tori should never have been thought of as breeding material. Even those that had initially sided with Salazar were ashamed.


Cain sat at his desk less than pleased. River had Tori and now he would be investigated. Nothing was going his way.

“Yes?” He said hearing a knock on the door.

The door opened and the Viscount watched as Malcolm entered the room looking almost smug. He walked over to the desk and placed a manila envelope down on the desk. “I believe this will make you feel better.

Cain looked at him less than convinced. “I highly doubt it.” He opened the envelope and pulled out three pictures. “I take it back Malcolm; well done.”

The viscount couldn’t have been more pleased as he looked at three pictures of Tori with Lucas Fitzgerald. River only thought he won. Lucas just might have something to say about this. Pleased he picked up the phone. It was time to make a call to King Landon.


Lucas entered the Chamber of Princes’. The vote was done. In a few moments his fate would be sealed. They’d either accept or refuse him formally on marrying a half wolf. He knew chances were good because of Miguel but there was still no guarantee. If they cast a vote of No he would lose Tori forever. If Logan could rule he’d be willing to abdicate his place. For the sake of the kingdom though he couldn’t.

“We have reached our decision High Prince Lucas,” Prince Toshiro announced. Silently the oriental wolf was amused by what he saw. Lucas looked the perfect part of a well poised prince. Yet it the waves of uneasiness, concern and even fear gave no question the younger wolf standing before him truly loved the half wolf they had gathered to vote on.

“Torture him no further!” Miguel said knowing the others wanted to toy with him.

“You may marry your half wolf,” Prince Pierre informed him.

“Thank you,” Lucas said as joy began to radiate over him like they had never felt before.

“What is the young ladies name?” Prince Toshiro inquired.

“Tori. You’ll love her.”

“You can go,” Miguel said.

Pleased Lucas turned and walked out to tell his brother and father the good news. The kingdom would be secure.

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