Training Begins

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Chapter 10

(Training begins)

It was just after 7am as Tori sat at the breakfast room table eating a quick breakfast before she headed out. Dr. White had cleared her so she would be joining her father for training. This time there would be a few differences. The first being it wouldn’t be one on one. Because of the attack everyone was getting ready for a fight, expecting Lord Salazar to declare war at any time.

Warner had decided he wanted Tori to train with everyone as long as she could without anyone knowing who she was. Most of the wolves still didn’t know Tori was his daughter or that his daughter was marrying River; few had even found out he had a daughter.

Hearing the doorbell Tori instinctively looked at the clock. She still had five minutes and was completely dressed. She had time to finish her orange juice and English muffin.

“You actually look ready,” Jake commented looking at the blonde woman. Not only did she look awake but the woman had pulled her hair back into a ponytail. She’d even dressed herself in a black sports bra and stretch shorts with a pink tank top covering her stomach.

“As ready as I can be. Can I finish?”

“Sure. I actually told you earlier because I figured I’d have to tell you to hurry up.”

“My dad didn’t tell you I’m usually quick?” Tori inquired. Her father never had to wait o her it was always her brother, Ken that took a while.

“He did but…you are a girl.” Tori laughed understanding without getting mad. “There are a few things I need to go over with you before we go.”

The blonde woman immediately gave him her attention. “You need something you speak to me.” Tori simply nodded. “We want to keep the fact your Warner’s daughter unknown as long as we can. The few that do know have already agreed to keep quiet.”

“Aren’t they going to know the first time I call him dad though?” Tori inquired.

“That’s why we want everything going through me. You already call me Jake so it’s easy. Besides new recruits don’t usually speak to your father directly unless he calls them over.” Tori nodded she understood. “He will treat you like he does everyone else. If you screw up he’ll call you on it if I don’t.”

“I know he’ll be tough,” Tori assured her father’s friend.

“It’s going to be harder than you realize,” Jake said. “Most everyone there is already an enforcer. This is extra training for most of them. You’re dad working with you was gentle compared to what you’re going to be put through. You may very well hate both your dad and I by the end of the day.”

“I can take it,” Tori said with determination.

“We’ll see kid. Get your bag.”

“Alright.” Tori got up and left the room.

Jake walked out of the breakfast room and over to the Lord’s office. He knocked and waited. “Come in.” The enforcer opened the door and walked in to see Lord Gregory, River, and Trevor inside with Drake, one of Lord Gregory’s enforcers. Calmly he shut the door, not wanting to chance Tori overhearing him.

“Jake,” Lord Gregory said. “Tori is…”

“I sent her to get her bag and meet me outside,” Jake interrupted. The enforcer looked down and then over to River. “She’s going to be hurting when she gets back.”

“Brutal training schedule?” Drake inquired. “I’ll have ice packs on standby.”

“Yes but it’s more than that,” Jake warned. “Warner is going to be harder on her than he’s ever been on anyone.”

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