Blood of the Enforcer

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Chapter 9

(Blood of the Enforcer)

It was early evening as Tori drove home after a long day of working at Chadler’s. The day had been good but fast paced. She was looking forward to getting home, eating dinner, and turning in early. She was stopped at a red light when she suddenly saw a vehicle she recognized go racing past. The blonde woman thought it was odd but wasn’t concerned until she noticed two other vehicles racing after it.

The blonde woman suddenly got a sick feeling in her stomach; alarms went off in her head. Hitting the gas she made a left turn, running a red light and cutting off the vehicle in the lane next to her, and went in pursuit of the three vehicles. Unfortunately she was too far back to be able to tell who it was she was following. It took her a few moments before she realized where she had seen the blue and silver trailblazer; her eyes widened at the dawn of information. It was the vehicle Nancy had been driving.

Tori pulled out her phone and Dialed River’s number. When the number was busy she dialed her father’s. Getting his voice mail she hung up and set off the alert tracker her father had installed in her car. He would instantly be alerted she was in trouble and in need of help.

The blonde woman drove faster. She made a right and continued trying to follow. As they continued to drive she realized they were heading towards far less populated areas. “No Nancy, Stay with the population,” Tori said knowing the woman was making a mistake.

The vehicles made a turn to the right and Tori went straight. She knew the road they had turned on would curve around and meet up with the road they had been on. She reached the point the roads would cross, but Nancy never came. Tori made a right and followed the road. It took only a couple of minutes to find Nancy’s car was in a ditch. There were men outside and Nancy and Teresa had already been pulled from the vehicle.

Tori didn’t think she acted. Speeding faster she hit one of the two vehicles surprising the men enough that Nancy was able to pull free and she and Teresa started up the side of the ditch toward Tori.

The men began to run after them but Tori threw open her door and Nancy and Teresa quickly got in. Tori hit the gas and sped away.

“Tori!” Nancy screamed looking toward the right side of the vehicle.

There were two Hummers coming at them. Things were not looking good. “We have to get back to a populated area,” Tori announced.

“River and Trevor are on their way. I was trying to reach them.”

“Who are they?” Tori asked not hiding her concern.

“Salazar’s wolves.”

Tori groaned. “Damn it!” She yelled narrowly missing a vehicle that came out of a side street at her. “Alright we have to get to an open area and keep them at bay as long as we can. I sent off an alert so my dad will track us. We have to hold out as long as we can without stopping.”

Nancy nodded. “I’ll try Trevor again.”

The brunette tried a few times but was not able to reach him. As they neared an intersection several vehicles came out of nowhere. They were trapped.

“Stay in the car and lock the doors,” Tori ordered.


Tori got out of the vehicle and looked at her. “Stay.” Closing the door the blonde woman turned to face the enemy wolves.

“You’re making a big mistake,” A large wolf with shoulder length black curly hair warned.

“Are you sure you aren’t?” Tori asked. She watched him with a masked expression. She emptied her mind of anything but strength.

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