Keeping Quiet

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Chapter 29

(Keeping Quiet)

Lucas walked quietly through the woods. A frown hiding his normally very handsome face. He sighed as he thought about what he’d given up to protect the royal family. He wanted Tori but couldn’t risk another scandal within the royal family. Logan had caused enough. The last scandal being about Maylene.

Logan had been captivated by the woman. The fact she was already being courted didn’t matter to her. The heir didn’t even care she didn’t like him. While Logan can be quick to act he can also be patient.

The shoulder length blonde haired wolf did the one thing he could do to force Maylene’s father to give her to him. He’d waited until she was in her fertile time and had her slipped Rohypnol into her drink. Then, casually, led her away from everyone once the drug began to take effect and into a bedroom. She’d woken up in the morning to find herself in Logan’s bed.

When it was learned she was pregnant a few weeks later Maylene’s father had been given two choices. Give Maylene to Logan or watch his family dishonored. Reluctantly the man had given his daughter to the heir of the wolf throne. There was talk she was drugged but nothing could be firmly proven; though everyone knew. There had been an investigation and it had looked bad for the royal family.

Nothing could be proven but people still questioned it. If Lucas hadn’t prevented the investigation more things Logan may or may not have done could’ve surfaced. The incident with Maylene was only a couple years old. It would be too soon for the royal family to face another scandal; especially with it being one involving Murder.


“Hmm?” Lucas looked up to See Prince Bakari and Prince Pierre standing a few feet from him on the path. “Yes?”

“Is there something you want to tell us?” The dark skinned Prince inquired. Lucas kept silent.

“It seems rather odd that you would suddenly let the woman you love go without a fight,” Pierre remarked. “Especially when, you were so determined to keep her.”

“It was best,” The High Prince replied.

“Best for whom?” Bakari questioned. “Certainly not best for you. Tori would make a wonderful Queen; you’d have won her heart again.”

“Sometimes we have to give up what we want for the good of everyone,” Lucas replied forcing himself to remain calm; not letting any sadness enter his voice. Looking at Bakari he said, “Isn’t that what you told someone else.”

“It wasn’t an accident was it?” Pierre insisted.

“What happened is unfortunate, but it worked for River’s best interest. He loves Tori and he’ll be good to her. Unlike me, he’s never hurt her. Excuse me,” Lucas walked past without looking at the Prince’s.

Bakari sighed. “Logan is responsible. You know that he’s the reason for this.”

“Agreed,” Pierre replied. “But if no one calls for an investigation there is nothing we can do.”

“Tori.” Pierre looked at the African man. “Lucas is trained to watch his words. Perhaps Tori might slip that would allow for…”

“We can ask her but…If they did make a deal, as we suspect, I do not believe Tori will admit it,” The Frenchmen replied. “We are invited to the wedding though so we could speak to her beforehand,” He suggested.

“Yes, let’s speak to the young lady.” In agreement the two princes’s headed down the path. Together they would pay the Enforcer’s daughter a visit.


Tori made several punches and kicks to the large punching bag. She’d been working out a minimum of every other day since she’d returned from her time at the castle. It annoyed River at times but he’d quickly given up. Nancy had pouted saying she’d be the best in shape bride that had ever lived. Everyone had laughed but silently agreed with her.

She finished with a final kick as the bag dropped from its anchor. “Awe man Dad’s gonna kill me,” She sighed. Hearing a chuckle she looked back and was surprised to see Prince’s Bakari, Pierre, and Adler standing there.

“Um..hi,” Tori said not hiding her surprise to see them. “If you’re looking for Lord Greg…”

“We’re not. We wanted to speak to you,” Prince Adler said calmly.

“Oh…okay. What’s up?” She asked and picked up her water bottle.

“How are you doing?” Pierre inquired.

“Fine. Wedding plans are pretty easy; although I think I’m annoying everyone with how I make my choices.”

Pierre smiled, “Yes I heard about the laser tag event.”

“Laser tag?” Bakari questioned.

“Its how I chose brides maid dresses. We played laser tag and winner was the dress they wore,” The blonde woman explained. “I liked them all so worked for me!” She added rather proudly.

Prince Adler couldn’t help but smile. Somehow it just didn’t surprise him. Tori seemed to take most anything in stride.

“We need to ask you something,” Prince Bakari announced.

“Sure,” She replied unconcerned. “What do you want to know?”

“What happened?” The dark skinned man inquired.

Tori knew instantly what they were asking but didn’t reply. If she did it would break the deal and who knew what would happen. For Lucas and River’s sakes she’d play dumb if need be.

“We know something happened, Tori. Lucas would not suddenly give you up unless some kind of deal was made. What we want to know is who made the deal? Was it you or River?” Prince Pierre inquired.

“Does River even know it wasn’t an accident?” Prince Adler inquired.

“Rope bridges break sometimes,” The green eyed girl replied.

“Rather convenient don’t you think?” Bakari questioned. “If River died you’d have been given to Lucas without question.”

“Lucas would Never try to kill someone without a Really good reason. It would be in self defense. Maybe retaliation but never…”

“No, but there are others that would,” Bakari informed her. “I can’t help but wonder if you’re marrying River to prevent another scandal caused by Logan.”

“Perhaps this is a conversation you should have with Lucas rather than me,” She replied. “I don’t wish to be rude but I need to meet my mother, Bridgette, and Lady Kendra at the florist. Please excuse me.”

“You said you didn’t think she’d admit anything,” Prince Adler commented.

“Tori is smart and the daughter of an Enforcer. I regret it appears we may end up in turmoil. Tori would’ve made things stable,” Prince Pierre commented.

“She still could,” Bakari commented. “We did add a clause that should things end within three years Tori will belong to Lucas. The first few years of marriage are the hardest and…one never knows.”

“For her sake I hope things are fine for them. They do love each other and have had to fight to be together,” Adler commented.

“Yes but they have Lucas to thank for this,” Pierre reminded him. “River and Tori shall have a very happy life together I’m sure.”

“And at the end of three years Lucas will have to choose another or…the throne will die with them and another will have to be chosen to rule,” Adler said. Receiving a nod of agreement they left the training facility. Whatever deal they’d made would be kept quiet and the royal family would avoid an investigation.

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