Repercussions and Restitution

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Chapter 27

(Repercussions and Restitution)

Tori hit the water hard. The river raced and Tori came up and began immediately being tossed into rocks. She didn’t fight the river; instead she allowed it to carry her downstream; avoiding rocks whenever possible.

As a large rock came into view the blonde woman was sure of two things; hitting the rock was going to hurt and the rock was her way out of the water.

Tori grunted as she hit the rock. It was hard but she forced herself to hold on and slowly begin crawling up onto it. There were a few other large rocks that went toward the right side of the river. Sore and hurting the trained girl made her way over to the river bank.

“I need to know what happened.” She entered the woods and then headed back toward the bridge. Everything in her told her the bridge hadn’t simply broken and she needed proof.

The blonde woman made her way back toward the side of the bridge that had broken. She heard voices but ignored them; they’d learn she was alive soon enough. She hiked her way to the bridge; keeping herself from being spotted.

Reaching the bridge she walked to the ends. “Cut,” she said looking at the clean cut. Someone had clearly tried to kill River. A flash of two people just before she hit the water told her who was most likely responsible. “Logan,” She spat. It was Emilio and Bryn the green eyed girl had seen just before she hit the water. If they were involved, it was by order of Logan.

Angry and wet she turned around toward the castle. The blonde woman was done playing games, and being told what she had to do.


“Tori! Thank God you’re….” Bryn’s words died as she swung around and kicked him so hard he went flying through the air; the Enforcer hit hard as he hit against a stone wall.

“What are you….”

The blonde woman ignored the prince and looked at Logan. “You could’ve killed us both!” She yelled at him.

“Tori lower your voice,” Prince Miguel pleaded.

“Lower my voice?” She growled at him; narrowing her eyes at the Tribunal prince. “River could’ve been killed!”

“I know you’re upset and what happened should not have,” Prince Miguel said agreeing with the girl. “We are all relieved to know that you are alright. River is also fine. A few bruises perhaps but fine,” The Tribunal Prince assured Warner’s angry daughter.

“Please let’s get you back to the castle so everyone will know you’re safe. Afterward we will meet and restitution will be made,” Miguel said quickly. “This will be made right.”

“Please Tori, we can’t afford a scandal,” Logan said not moving toward the girl. Her anger was radiating off her and the blonde man knew not to approach. “I never meant for you to get hurt.”

“Where?” Tori said looking toward the Hispanic Prince.

“I will come for you,” He replied. Tori glared at Logan and his fallen enforcer and walked away. Miguel looked at Logan. “I suggest you tell Lucas what has happened. Logan sighed but nodded. As much as he didn’t want to he’d have to tell his brother what had happened.


Lucas was relieved to know Tori was in fact alright. “Thank heavens she’s okay.” When Logan didn’t say anything his brother turned from the window and looked at him. He watched as his older brother looked down; guilt all over his face.

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