"I think that might be why they didn't," Lavender reasoned. We were sitting on the patio ground with files sprawled around us like leaves in the fall.

"Do you guys want to take a break and eat something?" I asked them. My stomach had been grumbling for a while now.

"No, hold on. I feel like I'm onto something." Tiffany muttered, biting her lip as she looked between files.

"Tiff, we've been through all of these hundreds of times," Blaire tried reasoning with her, but Tiffany just shushed her.

"All of these are cases that your parents solved together, right?" Tiffany asked, looking up at me, waiting for information to process.

"Yeah, these were the cases that were more dangerous and needed to keep on the down-low," I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't see how cases from over twenty years ago would help us.

"If these cases were already solved, then why bring them back out to look at?" Tiffany asked me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked her. She lifted one of the papers for me to take a closer look.

"Do you see that coffee ring?" Tiffany asked, pointing to the crescent shape of a coffee mug that had been placed on the file, leaving a stain. Beside it, there was another maroon stain that overlapped the coffee ring stain.

"So my parents ate while they solved cold cases, so what?" I asked her.

"The stains are from different times, which meant that even after your parents solved a case, they brought it back out and looked at it again and again," Tiffany continued, but we were all still confused as to why that would matter.

"They could just be taking notes, a good spy always learns from old cases," Blaire shrugged her shoulders, clearly annoyed by Tiffany's peculiar interest in the stains of an old file.

"Yeah I get that but look at this one," Tiffany set down the file with the coffee rings and pulled out another one from the pile.

"Look at the stains, the creases, the leftover oil stains from leafing through it over and over again," Tiffany set down a thick file spilling with papers. It had a bit more details than some of the other cases.

If you paid attention to what Tiffany was saying, then it made sense. Compared to the other files, this case had been looked over much more than the others, almost obsessively.

"Do you think this case has something to do with my parents?" I asked her, and she shrugged her shoulders.

"From what I could tell, something about this case was important to them, and there's a reason they hid the files, right?" she asked, and I nodded my head. I placed the file in my lap ready to reread details that I probably hadn't paid attention to before when suddenly they were pushed out of my lap by force full of fur and slobber.

"Oh my-" I stood up grabbing as many papers as I could.

"Sorry! He got off his leash!" Eric ran in followed by Jacob whose face hid behind a large bag of puppy food.

"Bullet! Come here! Bullet, no, don't eat that!" Eric grumbled picking up the brown and black dog that was squirming to get out of his hands and back on the ground.

"You said you were going to get a fish tank, how the hell did you mess that up?" I asked him, trying not to look at the adorable puppy in his arms as I yelled at him

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"You said you were going to get a fish tank, how the hell did you mess that up?" I asked him, trying not to look at the adorable puppy in his arms as I yelled at him.

"Oops," Eric smiled, and the puppy licked his jaw. I crossed my hands over my chest.

"His name is Bullet, and he's a German Shepherd. I wanted you to have someone to keep you company while I go on missions. I'm always worried," Eric shrugged his shoulders, placing Bullet on the ground. The dog went over to Jacob and started to bite at his ankle.

"Oh yes, he's quite the guard dog," I said, shaking my head but smiling nonetheless.

"He's so cute," Blaire cooed, petting him.

"Cuter than me?" Jacob protested.

"Definitely," Blaire smiled, and Jacob rolled his eyes in defeat.

"Did you even remember the fish tank?" I asked Eric.

"...Yes," he replied, giving me his worst fake smile. I sighed and picked up the dog, placing him in my lap.

"Your daddy is in a lot of trouble," I told Bullet and then glared at Eric who slowly walked out the back door.

"You're gonna keep him, right? Because if you don't, I could always-" Lavender began, but I cut her off.

"Are you kidding? He's adorable, of course, I'm keeping him. I'm going to need a pooper scooper though," I sighed.

After everyone had left, I put away all the other files in their respective cardboard boxes. I sat on my bed with the last remaining file on my lap. Bullet slept at the foot of my bed, content after making quite the mess in the kitchen.

As I began leafing through the files, I wondered what kind of secrets my parents hid away for years to keep us safe. I wonder if those secrets got them killed in the end.


Hi, guys! Sorry for the delay on the update, I just moved out to my place for university! It has been hectic as hell, and I haven't had time to write, but here it is!


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