Chapter 9: D-anger as well as Favors

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I turn back around and smile warmly in his direction. I avert my gaze shyly, as if I was embarrassed.

"Frank; he's the gardener," I answer him quietly staring at my small stomach affectionately.

I had to refrain myself with bursting into a fit of laughter. The look on his face was that of fury, disbelief, and anguish, but his infuriation seems to be the strongest emotion.

"Congratulations to you and Frank. I'm sure the baby would be absolutely adorable," I hear Miranda gushing behind me.

I send Vincent a hateful glare before looking back at his parents, my expression quickly changes to that of gratitude. "Thank you," I say sweetly. An afterthought occurred to me then. "You're Highness," I say, deflecting my gaze from the Queen to the King. "May I ask of you a favor?"

Mathias raises an eyebrow questioningly and nods for me to continue.

"Well, as I've admitted before, I'm not exactly sure how far along I am in the pregnancy. I was wondering...would you allow me to go to the hospital and find out," I ask in a low whisper.

Miranda suddenly slams her hand on the desk. "Oh, Mathie! You have to allow her to go! Even I'm excited to know how far along she is," she squeals. Mathias visibly cringes at the ridiculous pet name she used for him.

This woman is more elated over my pregnancy than myself.

Out of a nervous habit, I pouted my lips, the corners of my mouth slightly dropping. Please, listen to your wife.

"Well, Miranda, if it means that much to you, for some reason, then I'll allow it," Mathias said, with a smile on his face directed to his wife. Slowly they lean into each other, staring into one another's eyes and share a passionate kiss. They look so...happy together. I couldn't believe that this is what Vincent wanted me and him to have.

Speaking of the bastard, I turn around to see what he was up to. He was fuming, his face completely red and boiling in infuriation. His fists clench and unclench tightly, I guess he was trying to calm himself down. He looked like he was ready to kill.

Suddenly his eyes connect with mine, but they're not the normal clouded gray that they usually are, they're an even more menacing silver color with a sparkling gleam of hatred shining from his orbs. I've never seen his eyes look like that before. I have the urge to look away from him, but, at the same time, his eyes are somehow forcing me to keep staring into them.

"I'll take my leave," I heard him murmur more to himself as he rises up from the small sofa. All the while, his eyes never left mine.

"Oh, Vinny! You're leaving so soon, we didn't mean know... in front of you," Miranda apologizes worriedly.

"Mother, its fine. I really have to go and check on Mel...and then maybe take a nap in the garden," he says in a controlled manner. His eyes are still locked with mine before he turns to leave the office. He slams the door with a loud bang.

Hmm, he must be more upset than I thought.

Wait! Garden?


Miranda disappointedly sucks her teeth. "That boy has always been disturbed by our public affection," she says troubled.

"Still, he has no reason to slam my door like that. He's not going to spend three-thousand pounds to replace that door," he said angrily.

I looked at them both and nodded in agreement. "Well, thank you very much for understanding my issue and where I was coming from. Again, I'm very sorry, it will not happen again-" Miranda cuts me off.

"Oh, it will happen again. You're pregnant, it's just mood swings and hormones," she explained, waving the slender hand.

I wish it were only mood swings and hormones.

I smile, even though I'm slightly irritated that she interrupted me. I need to leave fast, like, now. I don't know what Vincent is trying to do to Frank, but I'd doubt it would be good.

"Yes. Well, I have to get going," I said, rising out of my seat and curtsying before turning around towards the large door.


When will this man get my name right!?

"Yes," I answer quietly.

"We'll schedule your appointment as soon as possible," he said.

I turn around and smile, saying, "thank you," before heading out the doors.

Immediately, I make a run for the gardens. I know I'm still on duty, but I need to warn Frank that Vincent is most likely after him. He's my friend and I can't see him leaving me. It'll be the same incident as what happened to...Ezra. Abandonment.

I'm Having a Royal Baby {ORIGINAL VERSION; BOOK 2}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu