“What are you doing?! I have to answer that or he’s going to kill me”

“No way” I went to the window opened it and threw it out.

I looked back and saw him smile his famous smile.  “You did not just do that?”

“I don’t know your Mr.know it all” I said joking at him.  We all laughed for awhile.

“Look” Scott said pointing to the window.  We all looked out and it was starting to snow.  He was trying to get out of bed and struggled a little bit.  He made his way to the window and just looked out with a small smile on his face.  My mom joined us at the window.

“You sure seem to love the snow” she said looking out the window.

“Yea, I’m not sure why but it’s magical to me” he said staring out into the distance.  I saw him point to something and I could see his phone lighting up in the distance.  We just laughed.

“I’m going to have to call him eventually especially since my runway is tomorrow.”

“What do you mean runway? Your not going are you?” I asked

“Of course why wouldn’t I?”

I gestured toward the room “Umm you’re in the hospital” I said stating the obvious.

“Not for long” he said.  Before I knew what was happening he went into a drawer and was pulling out smocks that doctors where and was changing into them.

“What are you doing?” my mom asked walking over to him

“What I do best” he said smirking back up at us.

Scott’s point of view

I didn’t know if this was really going to work but was pretty confident that I could do it.  I had to get out of here, I hated hospitals.  We were all in the hallway when someone yells something.  “Where do you think you’re going?”  A man asked me

I turned around and was met with a doctor.  “I’m taking this patient to his new room” I said gesturing towards Harry who’s in a wheel chair.

I guess I should mention that to get out of the hospital I needed a disguise, so why not play a doctor?  So Harry is my patient and Anne is dressed up like a nurse to assist me.  Anne was against it at first but then I eventually convinced her to come around.

“What’s the patient’s number?” he asked

“516” I said the first number coming to my head.

“What’s wrong with him?” he asked questioningly looking down at Harry.

“Kidney stones” Anne said fast.  I looked over at her.

“Yes, he’s in immense pain.” I said as I quickly pinched the back of his arm making him scream.  If you don’t mind we will get out of your way.

We quickly rolled by him and made our way to the exit.  When we were close enough we all ran out the door for the car.  We looked back as everyone watched us runaway, thinking we were crazy.  There were some paps still there but only a couple and I don’t think they recognized us.

We made it back to the car laughing hysterically as we climbed in.  “That was so much fun!” Anne said

“I definitely thought we were going to get caught!” Harry said “That reminds me, he turns around and pinches my arm hard.  “That’s for earlier”

“O come on, you weren’t selling it! I just gave you some… some inspiration!”  We all just laughed and made our way back home.  I mean back to Anne’s house. Yea Anne’s house. 

I stared out the window watching the snow fall.  I don’t know why I love the snow so much but it just feels comfortable.

We got back into the house and went immediately to check my emails on my ipad.  Of course there were a million from Jason.  I scrolled through until I saw the one I needed the time and information for my runway tomorrow.  I quickly responded to it just saying ‘be there’.  With that I went to bed, I was still feeling weak.  I probably shouldn’t do it but after seeing all the bad press I got from attacking the paps I needed something to do.  I laid down in bed and fell asleep instantly.

I woke up the next morning again snuggled under my sheets.  I quickly got up and went to get a shower before I had to leave.  “Crap” I said out loud.  I forgot to get a car yesterday.  Now I need a ride.

I went downstairs and saw Anne and Harry in the kitchen already.  “Good morning” Anne said

“Morning” I said.  I looked at Harry and he was dressed up a bit.  “Why are you so dressed up?” I said as I grabbed an apple.

“I’m not going to go to a runway show looking like a slob now am i?” he said raising an eyebrow

“What do you mean?”

“I mean since you don’t have a car I’ll be driving you”

At least I didn’t have to ask him now.  “Are you sure? It’s not too much is it? I can just call a taxi.  Yea I’ll just do that.”  I said walking away.

“Wow you’re right Harry” I heard Anne say “He does talk really fast when he’s sincere and pretty much said what you thought also”

I looked at Harry and just laughed “Told you” he said

“Fine fine you can drive me, but on one condition.”

“And what is that kind sir?”

“Anne is coming too… I mean if you want to.  It’s up to you. You don’t have too.  Actually you probably don’t want too…”

She jumped up fast “No I would love too! Let me go change fast!” she said running up the stairs.

I looked over at Harry and he just smiled.  I went up and changed into a pair of slim jeans and a white sweater with a jacket.

I came back down and saw Harry waiting by the kitchen table.  Anne came running down past us “Let’s go! O and Harry you were right” as she went out the door.

We started following when I raised an eyebrow for an explanation.  “I said that you were going to invite her.”  I laughed as he kept walking.  I stood there thinking for a minute.  This has to stop happening, I’m getting too close…

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