Bad News

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Bella Thorne as Willow Davis


~Ava's P.O.V.~

Blaze and I was still on the rocks a little but not as much as before.

It was finally a Friday and for once everybody was free. No classes, No big ass test, or slutty thots coming after my baby father.

"So what's on the agenda today?" Cali asked

"We can go to the beach or something?" I suggested.

"No I'm tired of the beach, let's go to Cali's Restaurant, I'm starving" Carter said.

"No let's go shopping for the baby" Blaze said. "We still haven't did the baby room and the baby is coming in 2 more months".

"Yeah let's do that" Us girls smiled.

"Aw man" Carter whined.

"Oh stop complaining idiot, the mall has a food court" Cali said.

"To the mall we go then" I said as Blaze helped me up from the couch.

"Thanks" I muttered.

"Are you gonna be mad at me forever?" He asked silently.

"I'm not mad" I said quickly waddling to Carter's truck.

"I feel like we never drive our cars anymore when we go out, we always in Carter's truck" Grace said.

"That's because my car is awesome" he smirked.

"Did you two think of any names yet?" Jace asked

"Yeah last night but your not finding out until she's born" I smiled.

Complains filled the car while Blaze and I laughed.

"Well then she needs to hurry up and come".


"Aww look at this one" Grace smiled looking at a grey baby jumper with pink tiaras on it.

We been shopping for almost an hour now. Blaze refused to let us do the furniture shopping, saying he want the nursery to be a surprise for me.

So Grace, Carter, and I was shopping for clothes, diapers, washcloths and towels, and etc. While the others get the furniture and paint.

"Ava are you okay?" Carter asked worried.

"Yeah, I guess I'm just a little tired" I smiled weakly.

"Sweetie, you shouldn't be on your feet for a long period a time, how many months are you?" A lady asked.

"7 almost 8 months".

"Honey, you should be in bed rest".

"Oh yeah that's right" I sheepishly laughed.

"I'm calling the guys" Carter said.

"Thank you ma'm" Grace said.

She smiled and continue shopping.

Blaze soon came rushing over to the rest of us.

"What happen? Are you okay?" He questioned looking me over.

"She's suppose to be on bed rest" Grace said.

"Look, let's just pay for this stuff then we can go" Cali said.

"That will be $235.74" the cashier said.

"Damn they weren't lying when they say babies are expensive" Jace muttered before paying it.

"I could've paid for it" I said.

"She's my niece, I wanted to".

The guys carried all the bags while we walked to car.

"Hey Blaze".

I turned and saw Willow.

"What the fuck do you want?!" Cali said

"I wasn't talking to you" she glared at her and turned to me. "Ava, did you know Heath's out".

My breathe hitched.

Heath was my ex and Willow's cousin he raped me and beat me up when I tried to leave him.

"That's not possible" Jace seethed.

She just laughed. "He told me to say he'll see you soon".

And just like that she was gone.

"Come on, I gotta call Detective Adams" Blaze said angrily.



He's been arguing on the phone for an hour now .

"Fuck!" He screamed.

He looked at me. "I promise, I'll never let that bastard hurt you or our daughter".

And I believe him.

"I know" I smiled.

I hope you guys loved it.....


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