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The Moment when you realize your heart has been broken for the first time in forever and all you feel is pain.


~Ava's P.O.V.~

Words can't explain how I'm feeling at this moment. All I can see is Blaze kissing that girl.

I made Carter drive me to hotel and Blaze been calling me all night non- stop.

I was actually worried about him when he didn't come pick me up for our appointment, but no he was busy lipping it up with some bimbo.

The sound of someone knocking on my door putting me out my depressed mood.

"Who is it?"

"It's us sweetie" Grace said.

"It's unlocked" I sniffled.

They both came in with sad faces on. Locking the door behind them and came and laid down by me.

"How you feeling?" Cali asked


"Well if it makes you feel any better, Blaze is going through hell also he been driving to every hotel and motel looking for you" Grace said.

"I just don't know what to do " I cried.

"Oh sweetie" Cali said hugging me some more

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"Oh sweetie" Cali said hugging me some more.

Suddenly I felt pain in my stomach and cried out in pain.

"What's wrong?" Cali said.

"My stomach" I cried.

They both helped me up as I clutch my stomach in pain as we got into the car.

Blaze called me again and this time I actually answered.

"Ava! Look I really need to talk to you" he pleaded.

"Not now I'm in serious pain and I'm on my way to the hospital".

"What! Your only 7 months, I'll be right there" he hanged up.


The guys came just as the doctor left.

"Hey what happen? Is the baby coming?" Jace question

"I don't know, I'm waiting for the doctor to come back with test".

I finally looked at Blaze and was shocked to see he had a black eye and busted lip.

"Oh my god" I said cradling his face. "What did y'all do to him?"

"It wasn't us, he got jumped while looking for you, we feel bad for the dude" Carter defended.

"I didn't kiss her" Blaze said quickly. " I would never do that to you, I love you so much, please forgive me".

I nod my head and gave him a kiss.  "I love you too baby".

The doctor soon came in. "Oh I see we got a full house".

Carter laughed.

"Well your results came back and it was just Braxton Hicks Contractions".

"Oh thank god!" I sigh with relieved.

Blaze hugged me closely.
You can basically feel all the tense atmosphere go away.

The doctor gave me my release papers after making really sure I wasn't having contractions.

"Oh and by the way sweetie if I ever see you with that bitch again, I'll cut both you and her" I smiled.

His eyes widened while the others laugh.

"Yes Ma'm".

"And the next time you need help with a report for your business class ask one of our dads".

"Yes Ma'm".

I smiled. "Good Boy".

I hope you love it....




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