Our Little Peanut

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The joy you have when you see your first born for the first time... Even if it's in Black and White


8 week pregnant
~Ava's P.O.V.~

It's been 2 weeks since I been released from the hospital and it's been so stress free with no more secrets anymore, well other then my morning sickness starting as soon as I got out the hospital.

Speaking of Morning sickness.

I ran to the bathroom and empty my breakfast into the toilet.

I soon felt hands holding my hair and rubbing my back. From the tingles in my stomach I knew it was Blaze.

"Hey I'm here it's okay" he said.

Flushing the toilet I thank him and went to brush my teeth.

"God I hate morning sickness " I groaned rubbing my belly.

"Well at least we get to see peanut" he smiled walking back into his room.

"You okay?" Jace said worried.

"Yeah just a little morning sickness" I smiled laying on Blaze's bed.

"What time do you go to your doctor appointment?" Grace asked

"Um, it's 12pm now and we don't have to go till 2:30".

She nod before turning back to the movie.

I fell asleep with Blaze rubbing my belly.


"Ava babe, wake up".

I opened my eyes to see Blaze standing over top of me.

"We got to leave soon" he said.

"Okay I'll shower and get dressed" I said going into my room.

After showering I got dressed (outfit down low)
I grabbed my Iphone and met Blaze downstairs.

After showering I got dressed (outfit down low)I grabbed my Iphone and met Blaze downstairs

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"Don't forget we all want a copy"  Mom said.

I rolled my eyes before we both nod and left.

It was a comfortable silence on the way to the hospital.

"Are you ready to see the baby for the first?" I smiled.

"Of course" he smiled.

We pulled up to the hospital and wait for my name to be called. We saw a young couple with 3 kids and it look like one on the way.

"Is this your first child?" The woman smiled.

"Yes"I smiled.

"Oh Danny remember our first one" the woman smiled.

"Oh how can I forget" Danny said. "I was a jerk and wasn't ready to get tied sow so fast, but the moment I saw Dj, I was in love and the more time I spend with Haley the deeper I fell in love with her".

Haley smiled. "A year after Dj birth we got married at age of 19 and I had the twins a year later, Jessica and Jazz".

"You were teen parents?" Blaze asked

"Yeah we were, at first it was hard but we had our friends and parents help, having a child wasn't that bad at all" he smiled.

"Daddy after this can we go to the park?" The little girl asked

"Of course sweetie" he smiled.

"Yay! I told you he'll let me see my boyfriend Jazz" the little girl smiled running over to the other little girl.

"Wait What!".

Blaze, Haley, and I laughed.

"Ava Jones" a nurse called.

I got up and smiled at her.

"Follow me" she said.

We both followed her to the doctor room and waited for him to come to the room.

"Are you nervous?" I asked

"I was but after talking to Danny and Haley, not no more" he smiled grabbing my hand.

Soon the doctor came in.

"Hello I'm Dr.Williams, I see  were here to check up on the little one" he smiled taking a seat.

"Yes we are" I smiled back.

"Okay, Do you have any concerns or questions about your pregnancy?".

"Can she still have sex?" Blaze asked.

A blushed formed on my face as I turned to face Blaze.

"BLAZE! What the hell!" I yelled.

"What it's just a simple question" he defended.

Dr. Williams laughed. "It's okay and yes it's fine to have intercourse while pregnant, since there more questions Ms.Jones I'm going to need you to lift up your shirt".

I did as he said and he pulled out that cold ass liquid.

"I'm sorry that it's so cold" he said as he began moving the wand around my stomach. "Okay your 8 weeks, 9 weeks in two days and here is your baby".

He turned the screen around and showed us our baby.

Tears came to my eyes as I looked at the screen.

That was my baby.

I turned to see Blaze had tears in his eyes also.

"That's our baby" he laughed.

"I'll give you two a moment"the doc smiled.

"I'm so glad that it's you having my first born" he smiled. "I know I said it before but things are gonna change and for the better, no more being with every girl in the world".

I just laughed.

I'll believe it when I see it.


Well I hope you guys love it....

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