Day Out

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Every now again you just have to enjoy the little things...


~Ava's P.O.V~

After cleaning the goo off my stomach and getting the sonograms pictures we left the hospital and I made Blaze take me to ice cream shop before going home.

"I want do something then just go on the beach today" I smiled as we drove back home.

"Well it's only 4:30, we all can go to the movie?" He said.

"Hmm, no".

He laughed. "Well how about the carnival?"

"Yes! I haven't been to a carnival in forever".

"Carnival it is then".

After forcing him to buy me some grapes we finally reached the beach house. We barely made it through the door before the girls jumped us.

"We've been waiting forever"Grace said.

"Well we would've been here sooner, but the baby wanted some ice cream and grapes, so daddy went and got ice cream and grapes" Blaze laughed.

"Oh my baby" His mom gushed. "Now where's the ultrasound?"

I laughed giving them there copies.

"Aww, look at the baby" Mom gushed

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"Aww, look at the baby" Mom gushed.

Dad smiled.

"Oh I can't wait till you find out what your having, I'm gonna be the best uncle ever " Carter said looking at the picture.

We all looked at him in surprised.

"What, I like kids".

"Please, I'm gonna be the best uncle" Jace said.

And that's when the arguing begin.

"Um.. When thing one and two stop arguing tell them we're going to the Carnival"I said.

"Actually why don't you kids just go, we're going to a Jazz Club" Grace Mom squeals with the rest of the moms , while our dads groaned.

And then that led them to arguing.

"We have a very weird family" Cali said.

"Agreed" Blaze, Grace, and I said.


After the arguing stopped we all got dressed. (Outfits^^^) When 8:00 hit we took Carter's truck a drove to the Carnival.

"We're going to a place were there is a whole bunch of junk food and you want me to pull over so you can buy a cotton candy" Carter said. "We're 10 minutes away".

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