Chapter 13-Some explaining to do

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Jay's POV
Astrid pulled me away from her and sniffed. "Haha." I lightly punched her shoulder.

But she punched me back.... HARD. Emphasis on the word HARD." OWWWWW!!!!!" I rubbed my shoulder that I knew would be bruised."Why did you do that?!"

"That, was for leaving me." she snickered. "You know, you and Hiccup are gonna get along just fine."

"Let's go back to Hiccup." She jumped on her dragon. I quickly jumped on forgetting Hiccup's tip.

"Woah, Woah, calm down Stormfly, he's a friend, well, brother." She giggled a bit.

As A's dragon flew into the sky, I asked her.



"Are you and Hiccup, a couple?"

She violently stopped Stormfly. "What?!"

"Nevermind." I muttered and chuckled as she continued to fly Stormfly.

"It doesn't seem like you're my brother. We've been best friends forever and never based each other as sister and brother." Astrid tried to tell me.

I had no idea what she was talking about." What?" I asked her puzzled.

"Boys." She rolled her eyes and landed.

She casually walked to the great hall and I followed her.

Although I was older than her, I let her lead the way because she knew the place.

Astrid's POV

I walked into the great hall, and Jay pushed me in.

I sat down at the table with the gang.

"So this is the Great and O' mighty Jay!!!" Tuffnut yelled to him and kept bowing at Jay. I rolled my eyes at him.

"I can see the blue eyes, but besides that, i don't see the resemblance." Snotlout stood there crossing his arms.

I growled at him ready to pounce at him. Hiccup held me back by holding my stomach. "Come on!!!! Let me at him!!!!" I struggled against his hold.

Hiccup shut me up my kissing me. He closed his eyes and kissed me passionately . I slapped his shoulder and pushed him away.

"Hiccup!!!" I looked at Jay, who was standing there awkwardly, and then looked back at Hiccup.

Hiccup blushed furiously and scratched his neck while looking down.

" did you e-escape?" I blushed.

"Now that's a story to tell."

We all sat down at the table with Jay the center of attention.

"This morning, I was in my cell where I usually was. They were going to have no use of me anymore. They've kept me in the same cell for 11 years when I've escaped the flaming house. The reason they've kept me there, was because they thought I had some kind of information"Jay gestured towards Hiccup. "Since I was A's brother, and A is a friend of Hiccup, they thought I would be best friends with him."

"That explains why they all captured me, and torture me." I whispered to myself.

"Wait WHAT?!" Jay turned towards me.

"What? Oh, nothing." I loudly exhaled. "How did you escape, and how did you find Berk?"

"Once they found no use of me, they were going to dump me into the ocean, but when I was about to hit the water, a dragon caught me and took me to a cave and left me there. I didn't see it's face, so I don't remember. The only person I knew was you A. So I tried to find you."

Everyone was silent for a moment. "I don't know, I just kept walking and walking until I saw you."

Then it wwas silent for a moment again.



"You want your own dragon?"

"Heck yeah!!! Wait. Why did you ask?"

"We're going to be going to war soon. And we'll need all the help we get."

"We'll gather different dragons in the dragon arena, and then come over." Hiccup told everyone and stood.

I turned to Jay." Hey, Jay, hang out with Snotlout, Fishlegs, and the twins. I'll help Hiccup."

Hiccstrid Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora