Thirty One.

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*Annika's POV*

Staring down at the limp, pale body of Alex, I reached out and held Jordan's hand. "What do we do?" I asked.

"Nothing." He shrugged. "There's honestly nothing we can do." Jordan sadly moved a piece of Alex's hair out of his face. "I'd do anything for this guy."

"Me too." I sighed. "What the hell is wrong with Ebony?"

"Don't blame her. She wanted to work on her studies." Jordan said, showing his caring side.

"Studies are not important compared to love. Especially with the love of your life." I said.

"I've stopped drinking recently, and I've realised how important education is. Although, Ebony didn't need to break up with him." He frowned and looked down at Alex. "She's ruined him."

Jordan looked up at me and smirked. "What?" I giggled.

"You don't see me when I'm nice that often, do you?" Jordan laughed. I shook my head. I wish I did. I wish I saw Alex when he was nice, because I never see any side of Alex except the depressed side any more.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "Who the fuck is that?" Jordan frowned. I shrugged and carefully moved Alex off of me, but he didn't even notice.

When I opened the door, I scratched my head. "Hi, can you sign for this?" The postman said, clutching a small box.

"Uhh, sure." Who would send us a package?

"It was sent to your old house, but the Lady there told me to bring it here." The postman told me.

"Thanks." I smiled.

After we'd said our goodbyes, I walked in to find Jordan alone. "I took Alex to his room. He didn't even come close to waking up."

"We got a package." I said, showing Jordan the box in my hand.

"Oh. Shit. No one likes us, why would we get a package?" Jordan bit his lip. There was a moment of silence, and Jordan smirked at me. "Its a bomb!"

I laughed and started opening the package, and once it was open I sat down next to Jordan. "Bang." He winked.

Slowly, I lifted out a set of keys. Jordan and I frowned at each other. There was a label that read: Brookbridge Boarding School For Girls.

Ebony's school!

Jordan seemed to realise that too and I pulled out a letter at the bottom of the box. I knew that handwriting anywhere. Almost wildly, I ripped the letter open.

Once I'd read the first sentence, I whispered excitedly to Jordan. 'Get Alex..

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