Twenty One.

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"Someone help!" I squeaked, but I was too quiet for anyone to hear. "Alex!" I squeaked again.

"You fucking bastard!" Alex screamed, and I saw scarlet blood spray the floor. No one else was here to help. Suddenly, the door burst open and a girl with dark brown hair burst in. She leapt into the middle of the two boys and pushed them apart with all her strength. At first, they kept fighting, but so the girl kicked both of them in their 'intimate' areas. 

Alex and Jay both fell backwards, groaning. The girl looked at me. "Hi. These idiots yours?" 

I nodded quickly.

  "What were you two faggots fighting about?" The girl laughed, shaking her head.  

"He was... Hitting on my girl!" Alex mumbled, still in pain. 

The girl sighed. "Really? Look, if someone finds your girlfriend attractive, if you beat them up that feeling isn't going to go away. They'll always find her attractive. Unless she goes down the road of Amanda Bynes. But hey, that only happens if you're a child star." 

I stared in disbelief at this girl. Who was she? She just came in out of nowhere, bravely broke up a fight then started giving really good advice. What the heck? 

"Well, I should get going. Keep your guy on a leash!" She joked. 

Suddenly, I plucked up the courage to call. "Wait! Who are you!" A/N: Oops there's my username.

"I am your worst nightmare..." She growled. "Just kidding. I'm Sasha." 

Slowly, I looked Sasha up and down. She looked amazing. Her hair was dark brown, but had lighter bits and darker bits, and went down to just below her shoulders. Her skin had a sun kissed tan. Sasha was wearing blue jeans, a white t-shirt and a dark brown coat. I stared at her in awe. If only, I thought, I could  be like her. 

By this time both the boys had struggled up, and were glaring at each other. Jay looked over to Sasha. "Hey, baby." he purred.

"Come near me and I end your fucking life." she winked, then adjusted her coat. "Anyway, what's all of your names. I'm not giving away my name without receiving info back." 

"I'm Alex and this is Ebony." Alex pointed to me. 

"I'm-" Jay got interrupted by Sasha.

"I wasn't talking to you." She smirked, then turned to me. "Ebony, wow. So dark and mysterious. I like you." 

I blushed and shrugged. "Do you want to come over mine sometime? You and your maniac boyfriend?" Sasha grinned. 

"Sure. Why not?" I smiled back, shyly.

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