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Once Ebony and the rest had gone, I got drunk. So drunk I forgot who I was and where I was, but I remembered Ebony.

That girl wouldn't leave my head.

I got up and stumbled to my mirror. Staring myself in the eyes, I felt the earth rock around my feet. Slowly, I fell to the floor and watched the ceiling dip and weave. Jesus. I'd never been this drunk before, and I was an alcoholic.

Shaking, I moved my hands towards the cupboard under my mirror. I needed a way to escape Ebony, and clearly alcohol wasn't enough. Somehow, I opened the door and took the small razor in my hands. Blood dripped from my fingers, and I groaned. But I wasn't even getting started yet.

I ran the blade down my arm and shivered. Blood trickled down my arms and I pulled my shirt over my head. I cut and sliced at my torso until I couldn't move anymore. I reached over towards my phone, and I don't know what I was doing.

"Hello.... You're sexy." I hiccuped.

"What?" A familar voice frowned. "Alex, I don't know what you're saying."

"Roses are red, violets are blue. I like your face, get in my bed." I slurred.

"Are you high?" She asked me.

"Hi!" I shouted.

"Jesus..." She mumbled. "I'm coming over." The phone line went dead.

I lay back and felt myself pass out. I'd lost too much blood. Hopefully I'd die. Who knows?


Waking up, I rubbed my forehead. The sun was hitting my forehead. I rolled over and saw a girl with pale skinny limbs and dark hair lying next to me. "E-Ebony?" I groaned, sleepily. She opened her bright green eyes and blinked at me.

She was so beautiful.

"Hey, Ebby." I whispered.

She smiled and snuggled into my chest. I chuckled and held her tightly. Everything was perfect. I wish my life was actually like that. In reality, my life is a car crash. A fatal car crash.

*Dream over*

I woke up, rubbing my throbbing forehead. Rolling over, I noticed that I was covered in bandages, laying in bed. How did this happen? Then I noticed the dark hair next to me. Ebony!

"E-E..." I tried to talk but I couldn't. Her bright green eyes snapped open. She blinked at me.

She was beautiful.

"Alex are you okay?" She gasped.

I nodded, groaning in pain. "You're not." She started sobbing, and snuggled into my chest.

Why wasn't life like the dream? It was so horrible, bloody and imperfect. But at least Ebony was here with me. If only she loved me...

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