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As he turned on the TV, I opened and closed my mouth like a goldfish. My body couldn't move and I couldn't talk. Alex turned around and looked at me. "What's wrong?" he asked, looking concerned. Is he mental? What's wrong? He just kissed me! Out of nowhere!

"Why did you...?" I stuttered.

"What? Kiss you?" Alex smirked a little. I nodded. "I just felt like I had to. Whatever." 

"But... It doesn't mean anything." I assured myself as much as him. 

Something in Alex's eyes flashed, and I could swear it looked like disappointment. Was I disappointed that it didn't mean anything? Well it's not like I have a crush on him, I've never had a crush on anyone. Plus there's no way that Alex likes me. 

He's just stuck babysitting me like a five year old. Ugh, Annika is so annoying, making me look like an idiot. Just because she doesn't like me, doesn't mean she has to treat me like I'm a little kid. She acts like I have something wrong with me.

I was still sitting on the end of the bed, which was not very comfortable. Being the awkward weirdo I am, I didn't want to move up and sit with Alex who was leaning his back on the head of the bed. He caught me looking back at him and smiled, patting the bed next to him. 

I blushed. "C'mon. You can't be comfy sitting like that." Alex chuckled. I shrugged and looked away. "Stop being so fucking awkward." He laughed softly. I couldn't help but giggle a little, and I moved up to sit next to him. He grinned at me and turned to face the TV.

Not being able to stop myself, I let my eyes sweep over him. His dark brown hair was quite messy, which looked really cool. His eyes were catching the light of the TV in the dark room. The dark green shimmer shone gently. I could see he was watching the TV intently, taking in all he was watching. After a moment, I turned to watch it myself.

Once it had finished, Alex turned off the TV and smiled at me. "What do you wanna do now? I'm going to be really honest here, Jordan and Annika are probably not going to come back to collect you." He said, amused. 

I shrugged. 

"Please talk to me." He said, looking a little sad. I shrugged again and he started tickling my sides, and I screamed, laughing and falling so I was lying on my back. "Say something." Alex instructed, still tickling me.

"Some...Thing!" I said through laughter. 

"Very funny." Alex chuckled, collapsing back next to me. We lay there, looking up at the ceiling. "Ebony?" he said. 

"Yeah?" I asked. 

"I've had a good evening with you." Alex said thoughtfully. 

"I've enjoyed myself too." I said, but I was still really shaken up about that kiss. Why did he kiss me? We hardly know each other. 

"Really?" Alex sounded a little surprised. "I thought you didn't like me very much." 

"What? Of course I like you." I frowned.

"So... Does this mean we're friends?" Alex asked. 

"Sure." I smiled. Wow. My first real friend. 

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