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Shivering, I trudged down the path up towards the first row of houses by the shops. I needed study food. Badly. It'd been a month and a half since I'd slept round Alex's. To be honest, I had thought about him a lot, but I hadn't missed him. There'd been no sign of him at school. I wonder where he was?

I'd told my parents I stayed at Annika's house. If they knew that I had stayed at a boys house they would go mental. Typically, I never break the rules. I've always been the quiet 'good girl,' and having a secret sleepover with a boy made me feel really rebellious.

Not that I'm a rebel. At all.

Stepping up into the shop, I sighed and bit my lip. All of a sudden, Annika appeared in front of me. "Ebony!" She cried. "Jesus Christ you nearly knocked right into me."

I shrugged. "Whatever."

"Hey, don't be like that. What are you buying?" She rolled her eyes at my tone of voice.

"I'm just getting some cookies." I said simply.

"Alright." Annika said, pointing to the other side of the shop. "Jordan's here by the way."

"Oh?" I said, subconsciously wondering if Alex was here too.

It was as if Annika could read my mind. "Alex isn't here. Jordan and I haven't seen him for ages actually."

Jordan walked round the corner. "Who are we talking about?"

"Alex." Annika explained.

"Oh shit, yeah. I'm worried about that dude. Last time I saw him was a week ago and he hadn't slept for two days, and he was drunk out of his mind. Plus he was as high as a fucking kite." Jordan frowned.

I bit my lip. What was wrong? "Did he seem... Okay?" I asked shyly.

"If being so fucking intoxicated he hardly knew his own name is okay then yeah." Jordan chuckled.

"Oh my god..." I looked at the floor.

"Maybe we should go see him?" Annika suggested.

"But I need to study..." I said awkwardly.

"So you're more prepared to study than check on your friend. Wow, Ebony." Jordan raised his eyebrows.

I shook my head. "You're right. Let's go."

We paid for the stuff we bought and hopped into the car. To be honest, I was really terrified. What would we find when we got there? Would Alex be okay?

I've never really talked to a drunk person before, except Annika. I was kind of concerned. Would Alex be the Alex I knew?

Hold on, Ebony. I hardly know Alex. Why was I so worried about him? I never used to care about another humans emotion.

It's just... Alex means a lot to me. I don't know why, but he does.

The Lost Cause And The LonerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora