Twenty Five.

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I chuckled as I looked up at Ebony, who was standing in the kitchen, clutching her head. "I'm never drinking again." she groaned, taking an aspirin and staggering over to me, collapsing on the sofa next to me. 

"I say that every time I wake up with a hangover. Then I drink the next day." I smirked. 

"You'll have to pay me a lot of money to ever drink any alcohol from now on." she closed her eyes and leaned on me. I sighed and snuggled into her. "Alex." 

"Ebony." I said, imitating her voice. 

"I want to go to sleep." she said softly.

"Go to sleep then." I laughed. She lay there silently, and after a while she felt limp and her breathing became heavy. I looked down at my sleeping baby and felt my heart melt. Her thumb was in her mouth, and she was gently sucking it. I hugged her tightly and I could feel her breath. 

You know why that made me happy? Every time I felt her breath in, I knew she was alive. And that was all I needed.

Just then, I heard a knock on the door. I heard the letterbox open, and I heard Jordan call through it. "Police! Open up!" Carefully, I placed Ebony down so she wasn't leaning on me and I got up to answer the door. Once I opened it, Jordan walked straight in. "Yo. What's up?" 

"Nothing." I shrugged. "What brings you here?"

"It's been a while. Plus word's been round that you had a fight." Jordan smirked.

"Ah, fuck. It was hardly a fight. I just got pissed off with some guy flirting with Ebony. I guess I felt insecure. Then some crazy chick came in and broke us up. She was pretty fucking badass to be honest. But hey, what can you do?" I shrugged.

Jordan caught sight of Ebony sleeping and smirked at me knowingly. "She was drunk last night." he told me.

"How do you know?" I frowned.

"Dude, you know me. I'm wasted twenty four-seven. I know a hangover when I see one." He chuckled. "How did that go down?"

I looked down at my scabby arms, some of the cuts still bleeding slightly. Sighing, I bit my lip. "She.. Just wanted to... Try something new I guess. I don't understand girls. One day they despise something, the next day its the best thing in the world."

"Yeah, bro. Women are a damn mystery. Unless you're a lady king like me." Jordan winked.

"That last sentence honestly makes me want to end my life." I laughed.

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