Stupid machines

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Dean was laying on the sofa, watching Dr Sexy MD when Cas came into the room and flopped down on top of him, he buried his face in Deans chest and mumbled something angrily about a toaster.

Dean chuckled to himself as he heard what Cas was mumbling.
"Stupid humans, stupid machines, stupid food, stupid toaster. Everything is stupid."

"What happened baby?" Dean said and started stroking Cas's hair.

"I was defeated by a stupid toaster. Humans are complicated Dean." Cas said to Deans chest.

"It's okay baby, I know. Humans can be... Complicated, I guess." Dean smiled as he felt Cas wrap his arms around Deans waist.

"I don't think I'll ever learn how to use all these stupid things," Cas pulled his head up and rested his chin in Deans chest, looking up to his hunter, "it's all so hard."

"Shh, Angel, you'll learn eventually. Now watch with me?" Cas nodded and turned his head to the TV.

Cas still had his head on Deans chest. He could hear his heart beating as Dean stroked his hair. He smiled to himself. He doesn't need to know how to use these stupid machines, he has Dean and that's all that mattered. 

A/N Okay, this was short but I was thinking about it all day and I couldn't concentrate on my RE test because this was in my head so I'll just accept the fact that I failed the test.

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