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"Okay, me and Cas are getting in the elevator now, be there in 5," Dean hang up to phone to Sam. He looked over to Cas as the elevator door opened and motioned for him to go in first.

Cas walked and Dean after him. They pressed the button for the 5th floor and waited in silence for the door to close. The elevator quickly started, and as quickly it came to a harsh stop.

"What the-?" Dean mumbled as he started hitting the 5th button. He took out his phone and opened his messages.

To: Sammy
Elevator stopped, go ask them what the fucks wrong.

Dean sighed and looked over to Cas. Damn, Dean thought he looks so hot in this suit. He quickly shook his head to get rid of that thought, after all, he wasn't gay. He stood there in silence before his phone vibrated.

From: Sammy
Whole building out, gonna be stuck there for about 30 minutes, sorry.

Dean groaned.

"What's wrong?" Cas asked, stepping a bit closer to Dean.

"We're gonna be stuck here for a while. Maybe 30 minutes," Dean said and leaned against the wall, "might wanna get comfy."

"Told you to take the stairs," Cas said in a know-it-all voice, Dean rolled his eyes.

"Good for you," Dean smiled sarcastically, causing Cas to squint his eyes and tilt his head.

"I can smite you," Cas said, Dean noticed his voice went at least an octave lower when he's threatening someone. Dean swallowed and laughed awkwardly.

"Love it when you get tough," Dean said sarcastically, getting another glare from Cas. Shit, he's not getting the sarcasm.

"Do you?" Cas stepped forward. Dean straightened up.

He noticed Cas's tie tilted slightly, he felt the urge to fix it but knew it wasn't the right time. He shifted his sight to Cas's eyes, he could have sworn they were filled with hunger like he never saw before.

"I'm gonna, um, call Sam," Dean pushed away from the wall and walked to the middle of the little elevator. He took his phone out. He turned to face Cas, but before he could even focus on him, he felt hands on his hips and he was being pressed against the wall.

"Think I look hot in this suit?" Cas whispered into his ear. Dean's breath hitched. How does he know that?

"Being an angel has a lot of perks. Like mind reading. It takes practice, but you were a nice, what's the expression? Guinea pig," Cas took Dean's earlobe between his teeth, nibbling on it.

"How long, ah Cas, have you been reading my mind?" Dean asked, fighting the urge to pull Cas closer.

Cas, obviously reading his mind, grabbed Dean's hands and put them on his own hips.

"I started practicing a while back," Cas said, "I got a few things, like 'fuck, he looks so hot' or all those fantasies, fucks sake Dean, never thought I'd find so much sin in one head."

Dean, obviously not thinking straight, started imagining what might happen next. He imagined hot elevator sex, Cas being violent with him, but he likes it. Just as the fantasy reached an end, he remembered that Cas could see everything going on in his head.

"Mmm, we don't have enough time for that," Cas said , not pulling away from his ear to look Dean in the eyes, "doesn't mean we can't do it in the motel after."

Dean, without thinking, grabbed Cas's tie and pulled him into a sloppy and hungry kiss. He felt Cas's hands on his thighs, picking him up, so he jumped and wrapped his legs around Cas's hips. His hands travelled to Cas's hair. He slightly tugged at it, making a moan escape Cas's lips.

Cas pulled away to start at Dean's neck. He started pressing wet, sloppy kisses all down his neck, leaving hickeys on his way. Dean, being a sucker for neck kisses, was moaning under Cas's touch.

Cas completely lost all control and started unbuttoning Dean's shirt. They were so consumed with their activities that they didn't even realise the elevator was moving again. Dean's shirt was all unbuttoned but still on. His tie was still handing down his neck. Cas looked at the view and licked his lips. From the corner of his eye, he saw the elevator door open and someone absorbed in his phone walk in.

"Okay, so get this- OH MY SWEET LORD," Sam screamed as he saw Cas drop Dean and started fixing his sex hair.

"Sammy!" Dean smiled from the floor. He stood up as the elevator door closed and it started going down, "nice timing bro."

"Sorry, but we're on a case here, Dean, get'cha head in the game," Sam looked at his phone again and put it back in his pocket.

"You quote high school musical again and I'll shoot myself," Dean said, trying to fix his shirt and tie. He got the buttons wrong so Cas swatted his hands away and started doing it. He finally finished it all and adjusted his tie. He pulled it and pressed a quick kiss on Dean's lips as the door opened again.

That night Sam had to get another motel room.

Okay I didn't even know how to end that like I forgot how to English for a moment so that is the most I could do okay thank

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