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Dean woke up to the sound of someone opening the front door to the bunker. Instinctively, he went for the gun and ran to the library. He noticed the door was still open. He went up the stairs, gun ready, and poked his head out the door.

He saw someone in a dirty trench coat and sweatpants standing bare footed in snow. Dean chuckled to himself and went back to his room to put on some shoes and a coat. He then went to Cas's room and grabbed his shoes before returning to the door, where sure enough Cas was still standing where he was.

"You're feet are gonna get cold," Dean chucked the shoes on the floor. Cas looked at him and smiled. He put his feet in his shoes and started walking around a bit.

"Never saw snow?" Dean asked, slowly walking towards the excited ex Angel. He shoved his hands in his pockets.

"I'm a billion years old, Dean. Of course I saw snow," Cas looked back at Dean and walked towards him. When they were standing next to each other, Cas bend down and grabbed a handful of snow, "just never felt the coldness of it. When I was an angel it didn't bother me, but now temperature is one more this I have to watch out for."

"Yeah," Dean chuckled, "I keep hearing you scream 'cause you made your coffee too hot."

"Humans are complicated, Dean," Cas looked down at the snow that was clearly hurting his bare skin.

"I know," Dean stepped away a bit from Cas and reached down to grab some snow, he started shaping it into a ball and smiled at Cas, "wanna know my favourite thing about snow?"

"Yes," Cas said, but before he could think, a snowball hit him right in the face. He never done that before, but he caught up fast enough.

He grabbed a handful of snow, just like Dean has and threw it at Dean. It startled him as he wasn't expecting the ex Angel to know what to do, but he often saw kids playing it through the years.

Dean grabbed a handful and realised that the distance between him and Cas was too big. He started running towards Cas, but he didn't notice the ice. Before he knew it, he started sliding on it and quickly enough fell into Cas's arms, knocking him right off his feet.

"Sorry," Dean muttered. He was laying on top of Cas, their faces inches away. Their lips practically touching.

"Dean- I can't.. Breath," Cas managed to choke out. Dean's eyes widened and he rolled off, "thank you."

They stayed there, laying on the cold ice and staring at the sky. Snow started falling from the clouds and Dean opened his mouth, trying to catch them with his mouth like a little child.

"Dean, what are you doing?" Cas chuckled at the sight of Dean wiggling to catch the snow.

"Shut up," Dean smiled and rolled on his side to look at Cas.

A snow flake fell on Dean's cheek. Cas reached out and wiped it away with his thumb, but didn't remove his hand.

"Dean?" Cas stared into the impossibly green eyes.


"You remember how I said that humans are complicated?" Cas asked, Dean nodded in response, "emotions are complicated too, but I think I understand a few."

Dean smiled at his ex Angel. "A few?"

"Yes. I understand happiness and sadness. I think I'm starting to understand jealousy. I'm also familiar with anger. But there's this one that I recently noticed," Cas pulled his hand away from Dean's cheek and looked at the ice below them, "I mean, I knew it was there all the time, but I only just acknowledged it recently."

"What is it?" Dean's side started hurting from the cold ice, but he didn't want to move just yet.

"Love," Cas said and looked back into Dean's eyes.

"Towards?" Dean grinned like a child. He obviously understood what Cas was saying, but he wanted to hear him say the words.

"You're screwing with me," Cas smiled and tried getting up, but failed as Dean grabbed his arm and pulled him down on top of him.

"I just wanted to hear you say it," Dean said against Cas's lips. They were practically touching.

"I love you," Cas whispered into Dean's ear, sending shivers down his spine. Dean placed a hand on the ex Angels cheek and led his face towards Dean's. They connected their lips and, as cliche as it sounds, it felt like fireworks went of in Cas's stomach.

Dean decided to continue ignoring the ice hurting him and deepened the kiss. They were exploring each other's mouths like there was no tomorrow, when they heard a voice.

"Um, guys.." Sam's voice came from the front door of the bunker, but neither pulled away, "not to ruin the moment or anything, but it's 3am and it's cold, so you either take this inside or I'm locking you out."

They pulled away from each other and Cas helped Dean up. And, oh boy, did they take it inside.

Thank you for 600 reads!!

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