Married. Wait what?

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Dean was woken up by the annoying sound of an alarm clock. He turned over and turned it off before he realised, he doesn't own an alarm clock. He sat up and looked around.
He was in a completely different house in a completely different bed with someone sleeping beside him. The person was turned away, but it was obviously a man. He was muscular and had black hair.

Deans mind searched for a match in those characteristics before he finally found it.

"Cas?" He mumbled.. He wasn't sure what was happening, "Cas, wake up."

Dean lightly shook him, getting a bunch of muffled noises in return. He decided to leave him while he looks around the strange house.

Dean went down the stairs and into the kitchen. He grabbed a knife from a drawer and walked into the living room. He slightly jumped as the TV turned on and Casa Exrotica started playing. Damn it, Gabe, Dean thought to himself.

"Hello Dean! I see you woke up. So, here's the deal. Me and Sam are tired of you two. That's all I'm going to say. You two have a lot of secrets from each other and I'm not letting you out of this until you man up and finally tell him what you wanted to for the past, what was it, 4 months? Oh, but it's not going to be that easy. See the challenge is to play along and you will be freed. Good luck!"

"No Gabe. Don't you fucking leave me her- Son of a bitch!" Dean exclaimed as the TV turned off.

"Dean? Where are we? What's going on?" A voice from behind asked. Damn... His voice was so deep in the morning. Dean couldn't focus on anything else.

"Err... Oh um Gabe. He's being a dick again. He said something about secrets being shared and playing along. I guess we have to do whatever he wants to get out of this." Dean knew exactly what Gabe meant but 'secrets', but couldn't he have given him some time?

Dean looked around to figure out what the 'challenge' was before he noticed something.

"Er... Cas? Cas come here." Dean looked at what he has found. When Cas arrived next to him, Dean took his left hand and surely enough, a wedding ring was on his finger just like on Dean's.

"Son of a bitch." Dean mumbled.

"Dean are you okay? What happened?" Cas asked.

"I know what the challenge is. We are married Cas. He wants us to act like a married couple. For fucks sake Gabe! I will kill you." Dean shouted into oblivion. He felt something in his pocket, he pulled it out. It was a piece of paper with it was Sams idea. Written on it, "You too Sammy."

Dean was making coffee in the kitchen as Cas was looking around the house, trying to find a way out.

"Give it up Cas. There's no way out, we have to do what he says." Dean shouted out to Cas, who opened the front door to reveal a brick wall barricading it.

"I don't understand Dean.. Why did he put us here?" Cas looked so confused.

"Well Cas... Come on sit down, I have something to tell you. I'm pretty sure Sam was getting a bit mad at me for constantly going to him for advice... Well I never really did what he said but I kept going to him anyway. It was advice on how to tell you.. That.. Damn it Cas. I have feelings for you and Sam was telling me to just confess them to you but I was too scared. And look where it got us." Dean carried on going on about how it was his fault, but he couldn't finish as Cas smashed their lips together.

"Gabriel got pretty angry at me too. I kept going to him for advice. I guess we both got them pretty angry." Cas smiled.

"Okay. So now that we have that off our chests, how do we get out? He said to tell our secrets, just done that. Now we have to play along? Okay, we have to act married." Dean said with a grin. His grin slowly faded as the realisation dawned over him, "how do married couples act?"

Cas looked back at him with the same amount of knowledge about being married as Dean. "Should we just.. Do couple-y things? Well we can't go out so we have to do them at home."

Dean looked blankly at Cas. What are couple-y things? Dean never was in a real relationship. Well, he was, but it never ended well. That would mean he isn't the best at being in a relationship, let alone a fake one.

"Well, I guess couples kiss a lot. Cuddle? Um," An idea popped into Dean's head. He half did it for the challenge and half because he always wanted to, "I hope you don't mind me doing this, Cas."

Dean pushed Cas onto the sofa and straddled him hips. He looked him in the eyes before kissing him. It was gentle and passionate. It got heated very quickly, Dean wasn't sure if Cas knew what to do, but it seemed like he did when he pulled Dean closer and started nipping at his neck.

"You don't know... How long I've been wanting... To do this..." Dean choked out between his pants. He put his head to the side, giving Cas better access to his neck as Dean started grinding down onto him.

"Dean, how far do we have to go to be let out of here? I don't even know if this will work..." Cas pulled back and looked at his hunter worriedly.

"I don't know Cas. I don't even know if it will take one day. I guess we will have to see. But don't worry Cas, we will get out of here."

Suddenly there was a knock on their front door. They exchanged looks before going to open it. Gabe was at the door, but he was dressed as a delivery man.

"What the fuck Gabe? Send us back for Gods sake," Dean started shouting, but Cas put a hand on his shoulder, calming him.

"Calm down Deano! It's only a bit of fun. Don't tell me you're not enjoy this fun adventure with you husband." Gabe laughed.

"I would enjoy it more if we were back home. Just tell us what to do and we will do it." Gabe chuckled.

"Act married! You know, watching movies together, cooking, doing the do..." Gabe winked at Cas, " it's easy really. You will be home in no time."

Suddenly Gabe was gone and Dean and Cas were left there, staring at the closed door.

"So, where were we?" Cas asked, before pushing Dean into a wall and attacking his neck again.

I think I'll like it here...

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