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                C A S T I E L
My wings were always sensitive. That's why you should only let them out when with a partner or they let themselves out when an angel is aroused.

It's not the best thing ever. Angels still get things like boners and whatnot because of our vessels, but in addition our wings pop up. So, if you think hiding a boner is hard, try hiding 7ft tall black wings.

Dean and I have been in a relationship for a few months now, I decided to tell him about them. I called him over to my room.

"Dean... I want to show you something," I said nervously, truth be told I never showed my wings to anyone so I didn't know what reaction I would get.

"Are you okay? You seem nervous.. What is it you want to show me?" Dean asked, pushing my chin up with his hand.

I stepped back and extended my wings, watching the amazement slowly appearing on his face.

"Cas, they're beautiful.." Dean said before reaching to touch one but stopping a few inches away, "May I?"

I nod and he gently strokes my wings, I feels good. No one has ever done that to me before, but I heard it felt amazing.

"Well having wings isn't really the best thing.." I start, his attention is shifted to my face as he nods for me to carry on, "um well.. Sometimes when Angels are... Aroused... They pop up. So it's kind of hard to hide them I guess."

                  D E A N
I took a mental note, remembering all the times Cas excused himself from the room after I've done something even remotely arousing.

I carried on stroking his wings as I saw him tightly shutting his eyes.

"What's wrong, baby?" I cup his face with my hand, he opens his eyes and smiles at me.

"It just... It feels really good." He admitted. I take another mental note and carry on stroking his wings, looking at the change in his face and noting which part of his wings made him look the most satisfied.

"Can't you show them to anyone else? You always seem to excuse yourself when they are about to come out.." I asked.

"Well, you're only supposed to show them to your partner," Cas explained.

"So Sammy can't see them? I mean, if they suddenly pop up and Sam's in the room. Would that be bad?" I question Cas.

"Well, I guess not. You're supposed to show them to your partner only, doesn't say anything about not being allowed to show them to anyone else. So I guess it wouldn't be a big deal," Cas replies. Once again I take a mental note.

"Can you hold them back from popping up?" I asked.

"Only for so long. Holding them back takes focus but when you're... Very, very aroused it's like you don't have control over them," Another mental note.

          • The Next Day •
I was planning to do something for a long time. I wanted to see how far I had to go for Cas to lose control over his wings.

I sat down next to him at the tables in our library, Sam sitting opposite us doing some research. They were talking so I didn't interrupt them. Instead I placed a hand on Cas's thigh and felt him tense. He reached for my hand and held onto it.

I shook his hand off and mine drifted up to his crouch. He was tensing really hard. He stopped talking all together and started staring into the distance. He was obviously focusing on keeping his wings under control. I leaned forward and started whispering to him.

"Wow Cas, getting horny so easily. You're clearly holding your pretty little wings back." I made sure my lips were touching his ear, I could feel him shiver from my voice and the contact.

"Dean..." He mumbled out. He seemed desperate, but I wanted to get him to lose control of his wings all together.

"Does it hurt holding back your wings?" I whisper, making sure Sam won't hear.

"No, it doesn't. It's just frustrating. It feel good to let them go. I really want to let them go Dean. Can we go somewhere?" He seemed desperate but I was enjoying the sight of him.

"No babe, it's fine. But just so you know, when we are finally alone, I will rip your clothes off and fuck you senseless." Getting him to lose control was harder than I thought.

"No, you won't. That's because I'll do the fucking. You're being a tease and I'm getting frustrated. Just wait 'til I get my hands on you, Winchester," he whispered back, looking me dead in the eyes.

That's when I couldn't control myself and started at his neck. I tried to keep my cool as Sam was still in the room, but I just needed Cas to lose control first.

I felt him shake under my touch, I carried on nipping in his neck. One hand tangled in his hair, pulling his head back to give me better access, the other still on his crouch, pressing down.

He was a shaking mess within minutes. I felt like I'll be stripping him before he loses control, but as I finish sucking on his neck he lets out a loud moan.

"Guys you know I'm still here right. I can hear every-- What the... Since when do you have wings Cas?" Sam was now staring at a moaning mess that was Castiel, I was straddling him and kissing him sloppily while grinding down on him.

"Okay.. Well.. I'll just... Leave.. But next time.. Do it in your room okay? I was doing research." Sam awkwardly backed away.

I started stroking Cas's fully extended wings in the places where he most liked it and hearing the pleasing moans escape his pretty mouth.

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