You think I'm hot huh?

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Cas and Dean rarely argue, but when they do its not just any arguments. It just escalates and ends up with them both either breaking something or crying. It was awful.

The two hunters and Angel had just gotten back to the bunker after a hunt, it was easy, a vampire nest. But Cas has almost gotten himself killed if he Dean didn't come to his rescue in time.

Dean was clearly angry. He told Cas to stay in the motel but he sneaked into the impala and stayed silent for the whole ride. He could've died there.

"Dean, I'm sorry, but I wanted to go. I'm not a baby and you can't boss me around. I wanted to go and you just couldn't stop me." Cas shouted at Dean, who sat down and stared at the wall in silence.

"Cas, you could've died! Can't you see the problem here?" Dean stood up, knocking the chair over.

Cas walked right up in Dean's face. Dean secretly found this hot. Him being so close to the Angel. When the Angel got mad, he looked at Dean in a way that made Dean feel like his insides did a backflip.
He looked at Dean in anger but all Dean could think was angry sex. How did that get in his head? He almost completely forgot about the argument until he heard Cas say "It's not your job to keep me safe,"

"It's not my job? So fucking what? You're like family to me, you think I'd be fine with you going on a suicide mission? Listen Cas, If I wasn't there you would have died." Dean shouted. He practically saw the anger heating up in Cas like a fire.

Cas stepped closer, "You are saying I'm not strong?" Their noses were practically touching, "I can kick your sorry ass any day of the week. Dean, I am not a baby. I get that you are worried but I can take care of myself,"

Dean took a step back and found himself trapped by a wall behind him. Cas took another step forward, trapping him even further.
Damn it, he's so hot.
Why argue when you can make out?
I'm hilarious.

Cas looked at Dean in confusion. Dean tried to figure out what was going through Cas's head as he stepped even closer and pressed his body against Deans, and whispered in his ear, "You think I'm hot, huh?"

Dean felt a lump blocking his throat, but managed to choke out, "w-what?"

"I think you're forgetting that I'm a celestial being and can easily get into your head." Cas said. He started stepping closer to Dean as he tried to back away but pressed even more into the wall. He stood on his tiptoes and closed his eyes as he felt Cas's breath on his neck. He wanted to grab the angel and kiss him, but he couldn't.

Fuck, I wanna kiss him
He's so close
Fuck, Dean stop thinking. He can literally read your thought like a book

"Oh, Dean. You're trying to tell me I could have died there, when here you are too scared to kiss me," Cas whispered into Dean's ear and kissed down his neck. Dean stiffened at the touch, his breath became sharp and inconsistant.

Dean just stood there, pressed against the wall, head leaned back to give the Angel better access to his neck, and eyes closed. He felt as if he lost all control of him body. He just wanted the Angel to take control of him, make him his.

Fuck, do something.
Actually no, don't do anything.
Let him do it. Fuck, he does it so good.

"You are such a slut. Want to be taken control over," Cas pressed his thigh between Dean's legs and slowly started grinding on his erection, "Sorry, Dean. Not carrying on without your participation,"
Cas started to walk away from the mess Dean was. He smirked as he heard the thought in Deans head.

What the fuck just happened.
No, he's walking away
Do something you fuck up
Stop him
Fuck I need him
Shit, what am I doing.
Cas stop

Cas suddenly stopped walking and turned to see Dean right behind him with a smirk on his face. Before Cas new it, Dean pressed their lips together. He tugged as Cas's hair and the kiss carried on sloppily. Cas nearly lost his balance as Dean was roughly pressing himself into the Angel. He started walking backwards, lips still connected. When they reached the sofa, Dean broke away to push Cas down on it. He straddled his hips and carried on the kiss.


The next morning, when all the two walked into the kitchen, they saw a very red moose making breakfast. He tried hard to avoid eye contact with the two.

"Breakfast!" Dean shouted as he sat down, wincing slightly.

When Sam served breakfast, the whole room was quiet. Kind of unusual as Sam would talk about something he saw on the web or a new case.

"You okay Sammy?" Dean said a bit worried.

"Me? Um yeah. Wh- why wouldn't I be? Ha..." Sam stuttered, looking down at his food as he got even redder.

Cas and Dean looked at each other.

"Actually, no. You guys disgust me. You know, there's something called sleep that I completely lost because of you. So next time, don't be so loud Cas. And for fucks sake close the God damn door, I don't want to see that ever again." Sam burst out and stormed out of the kitchen, redder than a tomato.

Cas and Dean exchanged looks before bursting into laughter.

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