No homo

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Castiel was bored a lot. Being human and all, he couldn't do many things that he could when being an angel. After endless moaning about how bored he is to Sam, Sammy decided to get him a phone.

When Sam came back from a shop with an iPhone 6, Cas didn't know anything about it. Of course, he used phones before, but this was more complicated. Not many buttons and all the screen. He needed 4 months and many lessons from Sam to get used to and basically become an expert at using touch screen phones.

Then Cas randomly ran upon a website called Tumblr, interested he downloaded the app and began right away. He saw many funny posts and cat blogs. But then he ran across a post that might have been the solution to all his problems.

See, Cas was in love with a certain someone. Someone being Dean. But, of course, Dean was painfully No Homo™ so Castiel didn't even bother trying. But when Cas saw this post, he felt like he finally had a chance.

"It doesn't count if you say 'No homo' after it"

Of course! Cas thought, If I say 'no homo', then obviously it doesn't mean anything, right?

Cas stepped out of his room and walked over to the library where Dean was sitting. He had a book in his hand an looked surprised to see Cas walking over to him with determination across his face.

Cas stalked over to Dean and grabbed a handful of his shirt, dragged him up to meet his lips. He kissed Dean with hunger, too busy with moving his own lips to notice Dean was kissing him back. When he pulled away for air, he leaned up against Dean's ear and mumbled to words.

"No homo,"

He turned to walk away but heard a laugh coming from behind and turned to see a moose laughing his head off.

"No homo?" He spat out between fits of laughter, "you just snogged his face off!"

"It doesn't count if you say 'no homo' after it," Cas tilted his head in confusion.

Dean raised an eyebrow as Sam carried on laughing.

"Where did you learn that?" Sam said as he carried on laughing.

"A member of Tumble told me," Castiel mumbled as he looked down at his shoes, slightly embarrassed as Sam was laughing at him.

"What's Tumble?" Dean asked.

"I think  he means Tumblr," Sam smirked as Cas nodded.

"Okay, whatever that is" Dean smirked, "So, it doesn't count?"

"Not unless you want it to," Cas started stepping towards Dean. They were inches away, lips practically touching again.

Dean smirked again and smashed his lips to Cas's. Before he knew it, Cas grabbed him by the wrists and pinned him against the wall, hands above his head.

"Oh, we're going for the 50 shades of gray vibe? Got any whips?" Dean raised an eyebrows at the ex angel.

"Do you want me to have them?" Cas asked.

"Hell no," Dean chuckled and Cas yet again connected their lips into a heated kiss.

He grabbed Dean's thighs and pulled him up, Dean wrapped his legs around Cas's waist and tangled his fingers in Cas's hair.

"Okay! I'm going.. Don't do anything on shared furniture... Have.. Fun.." And the moose ran off.

Dean broke the kiss, "no homo," he said, then got real close to Cas's ear, "full bi," and connected their lips again.


So I had this idea for a long time, and I think it turned out kinda funny. But I wanted to say THANKS FOR 1K READS!!! I never thought this book would get so much, so thanks!!!

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