Adopted by the Akatsuki 39

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dedicated to coolkide456 because of thier comment that just warmed my heart:Update soon!!!!!!!!!!! I love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was really weird because only Hidan-and yours truly-were the only ones that could see and or hear her. It was really weird. Kabuto started running physcological tests on us to make sure we weren't crazy. The two of us were the only ones that saw her. She sat around smirking at us and jeering. What was this? It wasn't a Genjutsu because Itachi, Madara,Pein and Deidera should have been able to see through it.

Kisame left and came back covered in blood and what I swear were parts of someone's intestines. So, Kisame had killed someone, not a big deal, but who would be here? What was going on?

For the second time, a ghostie showed up. What was going on here? I still remembered the day that i found out about my mind-reading powers, but I just didn't use them for some reason. I tried to reach into Hidan's mind, and to my horror, nothing happened. I tried again. Again. Again. Again. One last time. Again. This time had to work. Again. Again. Again. I nailed my eyes shut in concentration and tried again. Again. Again. What was going on? Why couldn't I acess my power? I could still use my Jutsu, but what was going on? Why couldn't I use my power?

Madara was giving me a suspcious look. For a while I thought that he was behind this. He was just as shocked as I was when he found out that my power was gone.

Pein was the one that found out. He only told Madara and Itachi. No one else knew about this. Why was my power gone? Why had it just dissapeared? Was there some way for me to get it back? I started to freak out. I ran for it. I hid behind a tree and tried to think. No one could explain why my powers had suddenly dissapeared. What the hell was going on? No one's powers just dissaperead. I could use every Jutsu I knew, just not my bloodline trait. What the heck was going on here?

There was a scream of pure agony and rage. When we got to the scene Hidan was in....lets just say his sister made Kakuzu look harmless.

Pein invited her to join the Akatsuki. Hidan was outraged but he didn't say anything about it.

It was great to finally have another kid around this place. Hidan's sister wasn't at all like Hidan. Hidan was an evil, sick twisted maniac that loved to kill people. His sister was more of a pacifist. She only fought when she had to. She didn't mindlessly kill people for fun like her brother.

We went back to the base. The two of us shared a room. It wasn't that bad really. It was actually great to have one friend who was my age and who understood how I thought. Plus, she made it really easy to get revenge of Hidan because she knew the only memory that tormented Hidan. It wasn't that he'd killed his own parents. It was that they hadn't had faith. He'd killed them because they'd had no faith. He'd killed his family because of that.

She never forgave him for that. She would have killed Hidan as well but Hidan was stronger than her. Hidan as faster. Hidan had more fighting experience. The only reason Hidan hand't killed her was because she hadn't been there whe he'd done that.

Hidan never thought of that night. He didn't care. I'd seen his mind. That day didn't haunt him. His conscience was clear. I couldn't beleive this. I couldn't beleive that Hidan could justify what he'd done.

He and his sister had more hate for one another than Hidan and I did for each other.

They tried to kill each other multiple times but they never got far enough that kakuzu couldn't put them back together.

Everyone gave his sister a warm welcome. As far as the Akatsuki was concernd, it was just another person that hated Hidan. If you hated Hidan, and if you were dangerous, then welcome to the Akatsuki.

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