Adopted by the Akatsuki 4

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people who have read this far, take out a paper and pencil because you are about to learn some SPANISH! i will also use this font when i whish to add EMPHASIS beyond the normal. thank you for reading my story and i hope you laugh as much reading this as i did while writting it. DO NOT EAT ANYTHING/DRINK ANYTHING WHILE READING THIS CHAPTER, I DO NOT WISH TO BE SUED! AND THIS  WAS KIND OF LONG.

Hidan spent the rest of the day chasing after his runaway prostitues, and Madara decided that now was the time for Tobi... those prostitues are going to be traumatized for life because of what Tobi did. i dare not describe the horrors of that night for fear of Madara finding out that what he did that night had gotten out and for fear that i will have to relive that event-that and i might get banned from wattpad if i got into detail-and that fact that i am traumatized enough by just living it once. Zetsu decided that he might as well make a meal out of a few of the prostitues and a few of them ended up as experinemts for Orochimaru....and if i go into more detail i shall be reliving that night and the HORRORS of that night.

after that we had what i think was a very late lunch even though it should have benn time dinner-at least thats what i think,

Zetsu didn't eat at all. he just melted into the nearest wall, with the White SIde muttering about how tasty those prostitues had been, and the Black Side muttering about making sure that there were no more of them left....

i spent that night clinging physcoitally to my teddy bear. that night was scary.

the next day was as normal as you could get when you'd practically been raised by the Akatsuki. Kabuto and Orochimaru were the first ones up-i was up before them and had breakfast ready-and they were SMILING ( not the empasis on words like these) like i had the day that i had litterally been locked in Disneyland overnight. it was kind of hard to tell whent he spacemountian ended when it was nightime and all the lights were out. i'd gotten so high of popcorn and soda that night that Kabuto had banned all junkfood/pop from the base for a whole month-as you can imagine, i was high of the rush of sugar the whole time.

i wondered what the hell had happened.

Pein walked in, well, not Pein, but one of his Paths. he usually used the same body for everything other than fighting, but this time he walked in as the body that looked like a girl. i had to shovel some bacon into my mouth to keep myself from laughing.

the rest of the Akatsuki started to file into the kitchen.

we had the fright of our lives becasue Itachi was STUPID and left his Mangekyou Sharingan on overnigh, and since we'd all turned to see who had walked into the put it simply, Hidan had traumatized me so badly Kabuto foudn it a miracle that i was still sane.... and i had to relive all those events....

that caused me to run to my room screaming bloody murder while i mourned for the innocence that Hidan had so cruelly ripped away from me...

and for some reason Kisame started crying so much that Orchimaru ran to get the lifeboats. apparently this wasn't the first time this had happened.....after the pipes had been messed with so that all the tears from the still sobbing/bawling Kisame went into the area surrounding us the day started.

the whole time Kabuto and Orochimaru were still SMILING.

Pein cleared his throat and announced that Orochimaru was going to go with some person who's name i didn't hear-probably one of the people that worked inderictly with the Akatsuki-to do some mission...blah blah...

out of nowhere Konan grabbed me by the back of the shirt and dragged me to her room/Pein's room and then she and Kabuto went at it again. Kabuto was the one who gave me my 'schooling' and Konan has issues with the fact that he was teaching me 'writting' and not 'caligraphy' (caligraphy is the japanese art of fancy handwritting) and i fell asleep. it took them three hours to come to an agreement-can you blame me for falling asleep???!!!- and then Kabuto left.

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