Chapter 15

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Jimin's POV

We arrive at their house.I quickly get out of the car and rush into the house.I head upstairs and into her room.I barged into it.


She's not here.I find her in the bathroom.No.She's not even here.My legs wobbly.I quickly head back downstairs.

"Where's Hana?!" First query escaped from her mom..asking me.

"She-she's not here.She's not in her room!" I exclaimed.Her mom was shocked with that and so was her dad.Even my words shaking.Aunty start to cry,worried about the sudden lost Hana.

'Where is she?!'

I widen my eyes as something flashed in my mind.I step back a bit and rush to the door.I don't know why but my legs start moving fast by its own.I'm running.

I'm running with whole of my heart,heading to a place.With strong hope that she'll be there.

Our old middle school.

Hana's POV

I turn the knob and the door swing open.Memories flashed one by one in my mind.Reminds me
Here was the place where's everything started.

Here,at this rooftop..he confessed his feelings,his love to me.  5 years ago.

I walk slowly towards the edge of the rooftop.Wind blowed through my hair,through my body..sending chills to my spine.

'Maybe this is the end.Maybe this is the best for me.He doesn't love me anymore.He's married with someone else..
Someone that he only knew for couple months.Forget about me that he knew for years.I'm sorry eomma,appa..
I just can't take this anymore.
The pain was to big for me to hold.I know this is wrong.But what optional that had left for me to choose.Nothing.I'm sorry.

I love you,eomma..I love you appa.'

"I love you,Park Jimin."

That was the last sentence I spoke out.Before my feet start to move and stand on the edge.I exhale for the last time.
My eyes closed and my body move and start to fell.


Didn't I supposed to fell infront..but instead I fell behind on..I don't know..something muscular.
It feels like I've been pulled.

To Be Continued~


OMG!!!The story finally going to the end.Keep scrolling guyysss!!!!😭

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