Chapter 8

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Jimin's POV

Me and Seolhyun always meet each other.We get close everytime we met.I can't hold this anymore.

"Emm,Seolhyun-ah" I call her,who's eating the ice-cream."Ne?" She turn and look at me.Cute.

"Will you be girlfriend?" I ask her nervously.She widen her eyes."I know it's too sudden but,I can't hold the feeling anymore." I blurts out."'re so cute.Of course my answer is YESSS!!" Her answer really make me happy.She giggles.

I lean in.Our lips touched.I move it slowly.Electricity sparkles all over my body.I'm so glad that she's finally mine.
We break the kiss.."I love you,Seolhyun." I said.She shoot me the sweetest smile
"I love you too😊"

We giggle.

Not knowing there's a pair of eyes looking with tears...from behind.Not so far from our position.

Hana's POV

My friend,Hyuna said that she wants to meet me at the park.And here I am.At the park.Haishh..where' this girl??I just walk around,waiting for her..

My steps stop out of sudden.I think I see,JIMIN??!!! Owh..and a lady?Who's she?They're sitting way to close.I observ them.They looks like they're talking about something but I can't hear anything.Since,I wasn't so near to them.

Then,Jimin lean in and.........
They're kissing?!!

My jaw dropped.My heart feels like,being stab with a sharp knife repeatedly.It hurts.They break it.Then,they giggle.Jimin look so happy with her.

How about me?

Tears streaming down on my cheeks.I turn my heels and run to my car.Drive to my house.

I barged into my house and head upstairs to my room.I open the door and closed it shut.I lean my back at the door and slowly slide and sit on the floor.

I hug my knees.Sobbing hard.I've never feel this hurt.
Knocks on the door.It's my mom.

"Hana?Are you okay?What happen sweetie?Hana??Open the door please.Honey,please.Open the door."

I just ignore and continue sobbing.I'm hurt.Why,Jimin?

To Be Continued~


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