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'YES' is her answer.He just propose her.5 years relationship..5 years dating..5 years with the sweet memories...5 years of being a couple...5 years of being together.

He is the happiest guy on Earth after listen to the words that he's dying to hear from her precious lips.He's so glad to know that she will be his for the rest of his life.

But,the happiness not hold for long.They've been crashed.Who can avoid the fates?

He loss his memory.He can't remember anything.All about her..lost.Just like that.

"Don't you remember me?You said that I'm your world.I'm your everything..don't you remember me?
Please remember me..please"

~ Park Hana

"Who are you?I'm sorry..I don't know you have any related with me?I'm so sorry but I really don't know you."

~Park Jimin

She lost everything.She lost her love.Her munchkin.Sweet memories crumble like dried petals.Just left a shining diamond ring on her finger.Everything's gone.He's gone.


Helloo..New fanfic here.It's an intro first.I'll update the chapters after I've done with Jungkook fluff 'Like A Fairytale' ...Please wait and please support this fanfic..Okay?Love you pumpkins. 😊

 REMEMBER | p.j.m. ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ