⊱Chapter 36 🗡Capture the Magic Flag⊰

Start from the beginning

This whole thing seemed ridiculous, "You would think they would give me more of a challenge." I grunt as I climb over a couple of large logs blocking me from continuing after Serina. Using them as a catapult, jumping from them to land back down on the ground.

"Clearly they have never seen you hunt." Serina's amusement dancing across the bond. "Two mages up ahead. I don't know if they have weapons or not."

Sure enough I could feel the magical charge in the air; the taste of the magic leaving a tangy impression on my tongue.

Lifting my hands to press my fingertips into the dirt at my feet, a trickle of magic flows from my finger tips and into the earth. The earth responded by shooting pillars up from the ground, launching the inhabitants that were unlucky enough to be beneath them. Cries of surprise could be heard from where I had launched them, the place charged with the most magic. Two females fell through the foliage with a huff. Both glaring at me in outrage.

"You are an earth user!" One of them shouted at me in an accusing manner. Rolling my eyes I couldn't shake my disappointment at the stupidity.

Obviously I was some sort of magic user. After all I was a rider. Flames engulfed her hands as a self-satisfied smirk over took her features. Ah she was a fire user, they are known to be quite hot headed. No wonder she hated the fact I got the drop on her. "You aren't going to get past me." She claimed.

"Frea, calm down." The other girl advised as she pooled white mist into her palms. She probably thought I couldn't see the element since most aren't able to.

"So a fire user and a spirit user." Not the least bit frazzled about the situation. The spirit user was clearly another idiot, if the shock displayed on her face was anything to go by. She apparently thought I couldn't see her element. "Well this might be interesting. But I highly doubt it." Clearly teasing the pair of idiots standing before me.

The Frea girl growing impatient started throwing fireballs my way. Fire users, I rolled my eyes, they always go with the same tactic. Throwing my arms up to conjure a rock shield to stop the fire blasts.

Frea gritted her teeth at the sight of her useless fireballs. Her magic fueled by her anger caused her hands to become engulfed in wild flames. Deciding to use the new flames, she sent torrents of fire directly towards my person.

The fight I thought would at least be entertaining. I was wrong. I was quickly growing rather bored, at least the mages back home made it interesting.

Catching the streams of fire within spheres of air, I proceeded to cut off the supply of oxygen to the flames. Causing their instant death. Surrounding the Frea girl in a tunnel of wind cut her off from her element. Making it easier to entrap her body within earth. Her panic growing the longer she stayed encaged within the four walls of earth. Only her head free, allowing her to scream. "Hey, what they heck is going on! I can't use my ability without my hands!" She cried injustice as she started to hyperventilate.

"You are just a sad human being aren't you?" I shook my head pitifully. "Dishing it out without a problem but unable to take it when it is handed back to you. Just stay here. I am sure another earth user will be along shortly to help you." Fire girl glared from her humiliation, promising retribution for the crime against her.

The magic in the air thrummed with new life, growing in intensity. Out of the corner of my eye I could see a white trail of mist meandering its way towards me. A look of determination on the spirit user's face. At my command the wind disperses the meager trail crawling towards me with ease.

Fear and panic claimed the girl as she hastily erected a spirit barrier in an attempt to save herself. Grinning to further unsettle her, allowing low energy blades of wind to crack against her poorly made barrier. Psyching out the spirit user as she showed signs of jitters as she jumped from every loud crack that sounded. Her barrier slowly fading from the mental attacks.

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