The Move

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"Hey Soph! Grab that box over there for me?" My dad said to me. We were moving once again. The third time this year.

My parents always got promoted and were always traveling. Some jobs didn't require moving, others did.

Every move would require a new school and new friends, but I never really made any anyways. 

"Hurry up sweetheart! You're moving to slow!"

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the box and headed inside the house.

We were almost done, we just had a few more boxes and then we could settle in.

My parents are pretty wealthy being they have good jobs. Even though they aren't really around much. They still give me what I want, which isn't really much.

We just finished everything with the house .

I walked into the kitchen where my parents were preparing dinner. 

"Hey honey, dinner is almost ready." My mom smiled at me. I just sighed and sat down at the dinner table.

Dinner was a blur. All my parents talked about was what business trip they had to attend next and how long they were gonna be gone.

I went up stairs to shower and changed into these.

Tomorrow is my first day at my new school and I want to rest up for it.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of my alarm.

I groaned and got out of bed. I went to my closet and picked out a descent outfit for my first day.

I wanted to look kinda of nice today for a good impression on people.

I did my make-up, keeping it natural, and hair.

After I was done, I went down stairs and found a note from my parents saying they left for work early and won't be back til late.

I sighed and grabbed an apple and left out the house.

I arrived at school pretty early to get my schedule and to get used to the environment.

I walked into the front office and the lady at the front desk greeted me very nicely. 

She asked my name and then typed on her computer printing out my schedule for me.

I took it and thanked her and was on my way to find my first class.

It took me a while to find but when I finally did I was the first one there. 

The teacher saw me and greeted me also and told me to sit anywhere being that I was early and school didn't start for another 15 minutes.

When the bell finally did ring, people started piling in like ants.

Once everyone was settled, the teacher started her class and also pointing me out as a new student.

Everyone seemed nice and didn't seem mean. That's a good start.

It was about halfway into the class when the teacher was interrupted by a loud knock on the door.

She went to open it and who walked in made me want to run out the class and beg my parents for another move.

He was worse person ever and always made my days as a child a living hell.


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