He Makes me Smile

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Getting up the next morning, I did the usual morning routine and headed for school taking a long walk just to clear my mind.
Once I arrived at school, I headed for my locker getting my things for first period.
I closed my locker and jumped,"Oh my gosh! You scared me."
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to walk you to class."
I smiled at his offer,"Oh, that's so nice of you, but you don't have to."
"But I insist, come on allow me."
He held out his arm implying for me to take it and I gladly did.
We walk down the hall way arm in arm.
"So how was your morning?"
"It was good, yours?"
"Eh, it was alright, until I got here and this one person made it better."
I looked up at him and he winked down at me. 
I blushed and looked away.
Looking up I saw Brian talking with his friends Chase and Adam.
He looked right in my direction and I could tell he looked pissed.
I looked away and kept walking making small talk with Connor.
"Well here we are, I'll see you during fourth period."
I smiled and nodded. He then walked away leaving me to watch him walk again.
" I see you made a new friend. Is he better than me?"
I ignored him and went into the class taking my seat.
He came in after saying bye to his friends and took a seat next to me.
"So your not talking to me either?"
"I already told you that yesterday."
"Don't forget that we live right next door to each other and I'm coming over tonight."
I looked at him and he smirked,"No your not!" I raised my voice a little.
"Oh yes I am and you can't stop me. My family has an extra key."
I sighed in frustration not believing this and just turned in my seat waiting for class to start and be over.

Once class was over, I rushed out trying to get away from Brian.
He kept irritating me the whole time and wouldn't leave me alone.
I rushed to my locker getting my things and went to my next class.

My second and third period went by nicely without any one distracting me.
I was just excited to see Connor again.
He is actually the first person that has made me smile since I have moved here.
I walked into class seeing him sitting in his desk.
He looked up and smiled and patted the desk next to him.
"Hey, how has your day been going?"
"Not so well, but it's better now."
I looked at him and winked and he just smiled.
"I see we've gotten a bit flirty in these past few hours haven't we?"
I laughed and nodded, "Just a little."
He laughed, "Well, I like the flirty Sophia, it suits her a lot better."
He winked and I blushed.
Wow, this boy has made me blush twice in one day. I must like him a lot.

Class went by with us just flirting the whole time and laughing at the stupid things we would say to each other.
We exchanged numbers and talked about hanging out later this weekend.
"So how do you get home?"
"I walk."
"You walk?!"
I nodded my head.
"Well, not anymore, lets say that I'll be you designated driver from now on?"
"No, I can't let you do that."
"Well, I'm not taking no for an answer, so?"
"Alright come sweetheart, your chariot awaits."
I giggled and followed him.
"Did I tell you yet that you have the cutest giggle."
He looked at me and smirked and I just blushed, again.
Man, that is the third time today!

We started our walk to his car.
We walked in silence but a nice silence.
I looked up seeing Brian and he looked pissed again.
He mouthed something to me but I couldn't make out what it was.
I just looked away and got into Connor's car.
"So, where we headed?"
I starting telling him where to go and we began our journey to my house.
"You know I really don't wanna take you home. I'm in the mood for some ice cream, what about you?"
I looked at him and smiled,"Sounds good to me."
"Alright, cold stone it is?"

We arrived about 15 minutes later and went in looking at the menu.
"Welcome to Cold Stone. How may I serve you?" 
"Just a second ma'am, what do you want?"
I looked at the menu again, "All lovin' no oven."
"Can we have one all lovin' no oven and the cookie monster."
"Alright got that coming right up for ya."
I started to looked for my wallet and he stopped me.
"No, no, I got this!" He said it like George Lopez and I giggled once again.
"There goes that giggle." 
Once he said that I giggled even more.
"No, but I can pay for it."
"No, just know when you're with me you'll never pay for anything. I never let a girl pay for anything around me. I'm a true man." He said that sticking his chest out a little like superman.
I giggled and just accepted his offer.
"Alright that'll be $12.00."
He handed the lady the money and said thank you.
We went to find a seat.
"Thank you."
"No problem."
We ate our ice cream and just talked a little more about each other.
I learned that he has a little sister by the age of four, his mom and dad are both doctors so aren't around very much and he takes care of his little sister when the nanny can't come in. He likes pop, metal, hip hop, rock, r&b type of music. His favorite color is blue. He likes to read and likes puppies. He doesn't have that many friends to socialize with. He surrounds himself with people he can easily get along with.
I told him the basics about me too and made sure not to mention anything about Brian.
"That's nice to hear, I like hearing about other people's little facts that they have to tell people."
I smiled and finished that last of my ice cream.
"Thanks again for this."
"Your welcome, it really wasn't a big deal."
We got up and threw our trash away and went out to his car.
"As much as I don't want to, I have to take you home."
He made a puppy dog face and I laughed getting into the car.
I had to tell him where to go again and we were off to my house.

"So here we are."
"Yeah here we are."
I started to get out and he got out also.
He walked me to the door and gave me a hug goodbye and walked back to his car getting in and driving off.
I unlocked the door to my house shutting and locking the door.
I turned around and smiled to myself. 
I think I'm really starting to like this boy.
He is everything that I like in a boy.
And we have a lot in common.
I went up to my room and started on my homework.

I was done in an hour and went downstairs to find something to eat.
I found a pizza and put it in the oven for 30 minutes.
My phone then went off and it was a text from Connor.
I smiled and opened it.

                                  Connor : I didn't really get to tell you how much fun I had today :)
                                         Me :  I had a lot of fun too :)
                                   Connor : I would like to do it again over the weekend but as an actual date ?

I smiled really big looking down at my phone.

                                          Me : I would love that :)
                                   Connor : Alright, Saturday, I'll pick you up at six .
                                          Me : Can't wait :)

That was the end of our conversation.
Once the pizza was finished I took it out cutting me a slice and went to my room eating and watching t.v.
I ate two more slices and then got ready for bed.
Today was a good day and I enjoyed every second of it.

                                    Connor : Oh and uh, I'm picking you up to drive you to school tomorrow ;)

I smiled some more and feel asleep just like that.

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