More Bruises

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"You're so beautiful."
He caressed my cheek and I blushed.
I looked into his eyes and smiled while he leaned down and started to kiss me-
My alarm sounded and I awoke with a jolt out of my precious dream about Connor.
I sighed in frustration about my dream being rudely interrupted and got out of bed.
At least I would have my morning made better in an hour or so.
I got dressed quickly but making sure I did everything perfectly and went down stairs to eat a little something.
Going down the stairs I checked my phone and saw that I had a couple of text.
A few from my parents, one from Brian, and two from Connor.
I decided reading the ones from my parents first and they read that they would be home late in the afternoon and to be dressed nicely for the dinner later tonight.
I rolled my eyes remembering that stupid dinner I have to attend at my abusers house.
I read the ones from Connor next and they were reminders about this morning and a joke about my morning hair.
I laughed and went to Brian's text which read that he had to talk to me when he got the chance.
Reading it I hoped he never got a chance.
I went into the kitchen and decided on some oatmeal with bananas.
I was hungry so I was willing to eat anything that I saw first.
Once I was done, I went to brush my teeth again and then my phone rang.
I hurried to pick it up and it was Connor.
"Hey, I'm outside love."
I smiled to myself, He called me love.
"Okay, I'm coming."
I hung up and grabbed my stuff.
I opened the car and got in greeting him with a short hey.
"Sup Homie!"
I laughed,"Nothing much homie!"
I said it giving him one of those awkward arm crosses that they used to do in the old days.
He laughed,"Nice."
He put the car in gear and sped off to school.

We arrived in about 10 minutes and got out the car.
Walking through the parking we got a lot of stares but one stood out in particular.
Of course it was Brian and he had a look that said did you get my text and that I meant what I said kinda look.
"It seems like we are the stars of the show right about now don't you think?"
I looked up at Connor and he nodded,"Seems like it. Lets give them something that will wow the show."
He smiled down at me and put his arm around shoulder.
I blushed, he smelled really nice.
I like boys who smell nice.
My face heated up, did I say that out loud?
"Yes, you did say it out loud."
He looked down at me and smirked.
"Did I say that out loud too?!"
"No, but I knew you were thinking it."
I looked away and looked at the crowds of people that seemed to be interested in our little act.
I scanned around and saw Brian and boy was he mad.
His face was red and his fist were clinched.
I don't see why he is mad in the first place, it's not like he likes me because if he did he would of made it obvious by now.
He has no reason to be mad, I mean its not like I was his or he owned me or something.
I looked away and we kept walking to the building finally making it inside.
He walked me to my locker and I got my things out I would need for first period.
"I do think that everyone was gawking at you if I might say. And by everyone I mean the girls."
"Well I mean my looks are quite the charm."
I looked at him with a serious look.
"Look, I don't have anything to do with any of the girls here if that's what you mean."
"That's not what I meant."
"Well what did you mean?"
"Nothing, I meant nothing, I just didn't like the way they stared at you."
"Well if it makes it any better I didn't even notice them because I only noticed one girl who stood out the most."
He tapped my nose a bit and I giggled.
"And that giggle, what did I tell you about that?"
I smiled and looked away blushing.
"Don't hide that cute blush of yours either."
"Stop! Your making me blush even more!"
"Well let me see."
He put both hands on each side of my face and pulled it up so he could see.
I laughed and he laughed too.
We stayed like that for a couple more seconds and he looked down at my face.
We were 4 inches apart and it seemed like he wanted to lean and so did I.
He started to lean and we were so close but then someone came and cleared their throat.
We pulled away from each other and looked to see who it was.
"I need to speak with her."
It was Brian and I was pissed.
He just ruined a perfect kissing moment.
"I'm sure whatever you have to tell me can wait Brian."
"No it can't Sophia."
I looked at him with hatred and turned to Connor.
"Look I'll see you forth period okay, sorry about this."

I pointed to Brian and he nodded in understanding.
"Its alright and yeah I will see you forth period."
He winked at me and I giggled.
"Oh, there it is."
I laughed and he walked away.
"What the hell was that about?"

"Why does it matter to you? What is so important that you couldn't of waited until we got to class?"
"Its about tonight and the fact that you have a new boy toy to replace me with."
"Yeah tonight about the dinner at your house does it really matter and he isn't a boy toy! I'm not replacing you. You and I were never a thing and I never ever plan on us being that way ever."
I was slammed against the locker so hard that my back hit one of the nobs on the locker.
I groaned in pain and he took my arm and squeezed it.
I winced,"Don't talk to me like that."
He growled in a low tone.
"Brian let go of me."
"Don't ever fucking talk to me like that."
"I wouldn't talk to you like that if you just would of left me alone in the first place!"
He slapped me and I held my cheek and tears started to form in my eyes.
I looked around and everyone was staring.
He turned and saw everyone and turned back to me.
"Your causing a scene."
I looked him in the eyes and he squeezed my arm harder.
I winced and tried to push him away but he squeezed even harder.
"Stop it..."
I started to hit him in the chest.
"The more you struggle the more I will squeeze."
"Brian please, all these people are staring."
"Let them, let them know what they will get if they ever mess with me. Just like you did by talking back."
"Brian please let go, I'm sorry."
"Sorry isn't gonna cut it. I might need something else to make up for this."
I looked him in the eye,"I will do anything you want, now let go of me."
I said through gritted teeth.
He let go and I held onto my arm.
Of course my arm is gonna turn purple and blue.
"Come on were gonna be late."
I didn't even notice the bell rung and people were still staring others going to their classes while staring and the rest just going to class.
He took my hand and we walked to class.

I ignored Brian the rest of the class period and when the bell wrung I ran out.
My other classes were fine except for some stares that I didn't understand why I was getting them.
I got to forth period early and sat and laid my head down.
"Aw, is the wittle baby tired?"
I giggled and looked up.
He made a face and looked at me weird.
"Who did that?"
"Did what? What's wrong with my face?"
"It's really red and is kinda turning a little purple on the cheek."
My eyes got big and I got up and walked out of class taking my stuff with me.
I ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.
Just like Connor said it was really red and was turning purple by the minute.
I kept looking in the mirror examining my face and my body.
I had short sleeves on and I could see a really bad bruise the color of blue and purple on my arm.
Brian really hurt me and I'm sure there is one on my back but of course I won't be able to see it.
I started crying and heard the door open.
I looked and saw Connor walk in.
I laughed but ended up crying even more.
I didn't want him to see me like this.
In this awful state of that of a boy whose name is Brian did this to me.
"Connor go back to class please."
"No, not until you tell me who did this."
"You're never gonna get an answer so don't even try begging. And it's complicated, please just don't try to bribe it out of me."
I looked up at him and he sighed.
"Well, I won't, but whoever did this messed up your gorgeous face and that doesn't fly with me."
I smiled and looked away.
"Are you okay though? Can I do anything for you?"
He was so sweet,"I just wanna go home. I'm tired of all the stares from random people."
"Alright, come sweetheart."
He put his arm around my shoulders and we walked out the building.

"Just call or text me if you need anything."
I nodded getting out of the car saying a quick thank you and walking to my front door.
Walking in the house, all I wanted to do is scream.
So I did.
I screamed about the pain Brian had cost me, my parents moving here, and the fact that I have no where to run or hide.
He will find me and this stupid ass dinner we are having tonight.
What is that about?
I'm gonna fake a sick card for my own sake.
I walked up to my room and laid down watching a little t.v.
Before I knew it, I was sound asleep.

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