Change of Plans

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I woke the next morning with the sun shining in my eyes.
I scrunched my eyes up opening them and getting scared.
"Oh, you scared me."
It was Skylar and she giggled.
"Con Bon wanted me to see if you were awake."
I smiled.
"Well, I am and you can tell him that I'll be down in a minute."
I poked her nose and she giggled again running off to Connor.
I got out of the bed and got changed into my clothes from yesterday.
I walked out the room and downstairs to the couch where Connor was sitting, and sat next to him.
"So, can I like go home and get cleaned up maybe?"
He looked me up and down.
"I think you look fine."
I laughed and hit him in the arm.
"I'm serious lets go!"
"Okay, okay, because I wouldn't think the people at the restaurant would like the smell."
I gasped and hit him again and we were on the way to my house.

We got to my house in the next 20 minutes.
"You can come in. I promise I won't try to take a long time."
He nodded getting himself and Skylar out of the car.
I walked inside getting tackled loosing my balance.
"Where have you been? I have been worried sick about you."
"I was with Connor."
"Who is Connor?"
"My friend from school."
She looked behind me and at Connor.
"I thought you were with Brian."
"I was, but we got into an argument and I called Connor to come and get me and we went back to his house. We didn't even know time had passed that fast and how late it had gotten. So yeah..."
She looked confused but just let it go.
"Well, Connor is taking us to breakfast and I gotta get ready."
I walked past her upstairs to my room.
I took a quick shower getting out and putting on a cute outfit and doing my hair and light makeup.
I was ready in a good 45 minutes heading downstairs.
"Okay we can go now."
"Oh, honey Connor is an amazing and handsome boy. What a great friend you have."
"Yeah, friend, come on Con Bon."
I giggled and headed out the door.
We all got in the car and started to drive off.
"So what did you say to my mom? She seems to be very fund of you."
"I got the charm and the parents love me."
I rolled my eyes.
"So where are we going for breakfast?"
"Skylar's favorite place."
"And what would that be?"
Skylar screamed and we both laughed.
"I love IHOP too."
"Well, good, because she would have killed me if we weren't going there."
I laughed and sat back enjoying our ride.

Breakfast was enjoyable.
We talked and played with Skylar.
She even said she likes me better than his past girlfriends which was pleasing.
"So where are we headed now?"
"The mall."
"The mall?"
"Yes, I would like to buy you something nice for tonight."
"Well, that seems nice, but I have something that I could wear already at home."
"Well, I just want to buy you something anyways."
I sighed rolling my eyes.
It was obvious that I wasn't gonna win my protest.

We weren't there long.
Skylar help me pick out a really pretty dress and then he took me home to get ready and said he would be back to pick me up by six.

I got ready making sure to take my time doing eveything I need to do.
I did my hair in a nice up do.
My makeup and put my dress on.
I looked in the mirror and smiled.
I heard the doorbell ring and looked at the clock.
It's not even 5:30 yet.
I walked downstairs and opened the door.
My heart dropped in an instant.
"You look nice. Going somewhere?"
I just stood there frozen.
"Well, change of plans."
Before I knew it there was a cloth on my mouth and I blacked out.

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