Not So Fun...

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I woke up the next morning in pain. I could barely even get out of bed, but I managed to get out of bed and head to the bathroom.
After getting ready, I headed down stairs and saw a note on the counter.

                        Your dad and I have went on a business trip for a few days. From now until then we have asked our old friends, the neighbors, to watch over you, check up on you when necessary. We were also very happy to see that they were our new neighbors too so that when we get back we will be having a dinner at our house. But just be safe and call us if you need anything. 


                                                                                                                                                                    Love Mom and Dad.

Great. Just great. Not only are they leaving but they asked the neighbors to watch over me. The neighbors whose son hates and abuses me. The one who will be driving me to school on this wonderful morning. Ugh. Things just have not been going well for me.

The door bell wrung and I knew who it was already. I grabbed my stuff and headed for the door.
When I opened it he smile the most faked smile ever.
"Good morning." he said with no emotion. "You ready to go?"
"Not really..." I mumbled.
"What was that?" he turned around and looked at me hatred.
"I said yes really, I'm ready to go." 
He turned around and started walking to the car and I followed. We both got in and he back out of my drive way and started our drive to school.
The drive was awkward and uncomfortable. He would try to ask me things and I would just give him one word answers and he would yell at me and call me names. I even almost cried at one thing he said to me. 
"You better wanna answer me with more than one word when I talk to you Sophia!"
He was driving so fast now and I really was about to cry.
"Just please slow down!"
He slowed down and pulled into a parking lot.
"What are you doing? We're gonna be late for school."
"We're skipping school today."
I looked at him like he was on crack."This is only my second day back, I'm not about to skip school, so can you please take me there now!"
"No." He said nonchalantly.
"Fine." I was about to open my door but he reached over and closed it.
"Let me out, I'm gonna walk."
He snorted,"I doubt that, you just moved back and barely know your way around here."
I thought about it and knew that he was right. I sighed,"Brian please just take me to school." I sort of begged.
"We're gonna have some fun today. You know with my friends."
He started the car and started to drive off.
"Brian no! Take me to school right now! I'm not kidding!"
He ignored me and kept driving.
"Shut up Sophia!" He reached over and slapped me.
I held on to my cheek and sobbed.
He kept driving and we arrived at our destination.
"Come on." He got out of the car and I followed in fear of getting hit again.
We were at a pretty big house and it seemed to nice for his friends to be living here.
We walked up and he knocked on the door. A boy, I'm assuming is his friend, opened the door.
"What up Mike? I brought someone over." He turned and pointed to me.
"What up sexy? The names Mike." He said so cocky.
I rolled me eyes and walked passed him. Even though I shouldn't just walk into someone's house like that, I just wanted to get away from them. 
I kept walking until someone pulled on my arm, I yelped in pain.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?!"
I knew it was Brian and I knew he was pissed by the tone of his voice.
I tried to pull away from his grip but he was too strong.
"You don't come here and be rude to people you just met! Now, you are gonna come and meet my friends and we are gonna have fun today."
He pulled me away and led me to a room.
"Sorry about that, she was just a little shaken up."
He pulled me in front of him and told them who I was and then they all said their names to me. 
There was too many names to keep up with so I only remembered a few. There was a big group of them, about 20 it seemed like.
I wanted to sit down, just not in here with all these boys/men.
I was the only girl and felt very uncomfortable. 
I turned to Brian and he looked down at me with a look that told me to not to say or do anything stupid.
"I wanna sit down." I looked down when I said it.
"There are plenty of open seats sweetheart." he started to caress my cheek.
"I don't wanna sit near any of these people. I don't know them."
"Well just come sit on my lap."
"No Brian, I just wanna go home."
I pushed passed him and started for the door.
"Sophia, don't test me here. I will fucking make you stay and do things you don't wanna do if you don't get back here."
I stopped and turned around.
"There, now just come here." He pointed to the spot he was standing in.
"No." I turned back around and kept walking.
I didn't even know he was behind me until he pushed me to the ground and dragged me up the stairs.
I screamed the whole time and he picked me up and threw me into a room and locked the door.
I struggle to get up and crawl away.
"Dammit Sophia! You fucking bitch!"
He kicked me in the stomach.
"I told you to listen to me!"
He kept yelling out things and abusing me the whole time. He then picked me up and threw me on the bed.
I was in so much pain I couldn't even move to get off.
He got on top of me and slapped me in the face.
"Stop it!"
I tried to yell but he kept slapping me.
"Brian please!"
"Please what? Keep hitting you!"
"Brian please just stop! I'm sorry! I should of listened!"
He stopped hitting me and I just started crying.
"Why?" I sobbed. He didn't say anything, he just touched my cheek and kissed it.
He kissed my other cheek then he went down to my neck.
"Brian stop." I tried to push him off but he grabbed my hands and held them above head,
He went back to kissing my neck. Then he went to my breast.
"Brian no." I started to struggle out of his grip and he held on tighter with one hand while he started to unbutton my shirt.
"Don't Brian, let go of me!"
He ended up getting my shirt off and went to unbutton my pants.
"No Brian," I started crying again,"Stop it!"
He got my pants off and I was laying there in my bra and panties.
He looked me up and down and licked his lips.
"You really did grow up pretty nice." he smiled.
"I would love to have fun with you."
He let go of my hands and I started push on him.
"Get off of me!"
He rolled to the side and I got off the bed and grabbed my clothes putting them back on.
"You were scared weren't you." He started laughing.
"That wasn't funny! Now take me home!"
"Aw come on, don't you wanna stay and talk to my friends?"
I shook my head,"Well your gonna." He grabbed my arm and we headed down stairs.
When we got down, all his friends looked at him and winked or either held up a thumbs up.
Ugh, perverted people.
He grabbed my hand led us to the couch and pulled me on his lap.
I tried to pull away but he pulled me back and whispered in my ear,"Don't fucking embarrass me in front of my friends."
I swallowed and sat there. 
We stayed there for the whole day and then we left and took me home.
I was about to get out the car when he pulled my arm back.
"Same routine tomorrow except we're going to school just like you want."
I shook my head and went inside the house.

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