Heart Broken

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Today was Friday which meant the last before day before the weekend and I was glad.
I needed a break already.
I got out of bed doing the usual routine and heading downstairs.
I checked my phone and had two text messages.
One from Brian and one from Connor.
My heart dropped thinking about Connor and that I wouldn't be able to talk to him.
Though, I could always talk to him in forth period because Brian doesn't have that class.
I smiled at that thought.
I checked the message from Brian and it said to not forget about this morning.
I then checked the one from Connor asking if I needed a ride and I replied and said that I was okay for today.
"Good morning sweetie. Sit down and eat something before you go to school."
I sat at the table and my dad was on a business call and my mom was washing dishes.
I ate some pancakes and bacon and some fruit.
My dad was just getting off the phone when I was done eating.
"Oh, hi honey, sorry I was on the phone."
"Your always on  the phone dad."
"I know baby I'm sorry."
I sighed and shook my head.
"So what was it about?"
"Well, its good news that I will be here for a solid two weeks until I have to go to North Carolina for three days."
I smiled.
"A solid two weeks, that's great."
He smiled too and went to sipping his coffee.
"Well I'm not going anywhere for a long while. I already requested to work in state for at least a month."
I smiled at her, at least my morning started off well with some good news.
I heard a honk outside and knew it was Brian.
"Oh is that Brian."
I rolled my eyes at my moms excitement and hurried out the door.
"Bye mom and dad."
I walked out the door and to his car and got in.
"Hey babe."
I looked at him and sighed.
"Can we just go?"
"Ok sassy."
He drove off and sped to school.

"Now I told you already what I want from you today."
He looked at me raising his eyebrows.
I nodded and got out the car and he got out also.
I walked around and he put his arm around my shoulders.
"Lets go boo."
He smiled down at me and I just looked forward.
Everyone was staring.
Just like they did when me and Connor walked like this yesterday.
We kept walking and reached the school building and entered.
"Ok so I will meet you by your locker in about 10 minutes, alright?"
I nodded and walked off to my locker.
"Hey honey, what sup?"
I closed my locker and saw Connor standing there.
"Hey umm, how are you?"
"Good and I see that my little Sophia is not herself today."
"Well, I have to tell you something."
"What do you have to tell me sweetheart?"
"Connor I-I can't....I can't talk to-"
I jumped and turned around and saw Brian coming towards us.
I turned and saw Connor looking at him too.
"Connor please walk away."
"But why, what-"
 "Connor please just go and we will talk later!"
"Like hell you will!"
I turned around quickly before Brian could get any closer and pushed on his chest.
"Brian no! He was just being nice."
He snatched my arm and pulled me behind him.
"Hey don't touch her like that."
"Connor n-"
"Shut up Sophia"
He yelled at my face and then turned back around.
I looked around and everyone was staring. Some confused and others looking ready for it be a fight.
He always wants to cause a scene doesn't he.
"Look, don't talk to my girlfriend ever again got it."
He was pointing his finger in Connor's face.
As soon as he said that Connor got a surprised expression on his face and he looked at me.
I made a pleading look that said I would talk to him in forth period.
He nodded his head indicating he was saying okay to what Brian was saying.
"Fine, I see how it is Sophia."
My mouth fell into an O shape and I looked at him.
Did he really just say that?
"Connor please, let me explain."
"No, it's fine. I see you found someone else that you never cared to mention to me."
Brian laughed.
"Yeah someone that will treat her way better than you ever could."
I scuffed and went to walk past Brian but he pulled me back and slammed me against the lockers with both hands on each side of me.
I groaned in pain.
I looked up at Connor and he widened his eyes.
"Dude you can't just throw her around like that!"
"I suggest you walk away and never speak to her again."
And that's exactly what he did.
He looked back and forth between me and Brian and me one last time before shaking his head and walking away.
I watched him walk away and then looked back to Brian.
"Why would you do that?"
"Just told him what I told you. Now come on. Lets get to class."
By then, every one had stopped watching and started going to class.
I looked behind me and saw his friends Chase and Adam smirking and then they walked off.
"Oh and don't think we won't talk about this later."

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