The Meeting

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After the war, Draco was given Malfoy Manor while his parents moved into their summer home in France. They say it was retirement, but everyone knew the pressure they were under here and how much they wanted to escape that. Draco, having just been married, welcomed the home as his own.

Unfortunately, the house also came with plenty of dark magic. Booby traps, weapons, all placed throughout the ageing manor. And with Draco already under close watch as a possible death eater, he knew he had to dispose of everything he could.

And so every few months or so Draco would sneak down to Knockturn Alley to sell off an artefact or two. It was risky, sure, but he'd rather be caught selling them then keeping them in his home. He had enough auror attention as it was.

One trip, when he was going to sell off a chain cursed to bind your opponent, he was caught.


Even with Voldemort gone for over a decade there was still plenty of Death Eater activity. Clusters of them would make a big show of rebellion before they were arrested and shipped off to Azkaban. And the most popular place for these attacks was, of course, Diagon Alley.

One of the most boring shifts of any Auror's week was the guard shift. Diagon Alley was fun when you were there to visit but when you were stuck standing outside a random store all day it could get kind of annoying. Especially when you actually have to deal with "suspicious behaviour".

The Wizards who visited Diagon were encouraged to report anyone who could be a death eater to the on duty nearest auror. This was called "suspicious behaviour" which was an absolute mess. Sure, occasionally they could foil a devious plan but more often then not they just had to confront random people and ask them their business. Many awkward conversations were had over that.

Anyone coming in and out of Knockturn Alley was most likely going to be reported at some point, even though the branch of stores was now mostly dark magic free.

It was a dull Thursday for Harry when a middle-aged woman approached him. He sighed and stood straight to try and look more official. The woman's strong perfume hit him hard as she finally got close enough to address him.

"Excuse me, there's a Malfoy who just went into Knockturn alley and you need to arrest him," Her spit flew as she talked and Harry groaned. Please let it be Narcissa. Or even Lucius, he didn't care. Just don't be Draco. Harry and Draco had tried to act civil to one another after it all settled down but it was just extremely awkward, and Harry was already tired of social interaction.

"I'll go check it out, Ma'am," Harry stepped off, eager to flee from the woman he knew could talk his ear off.

The pale, lanky figure was unmistakeable. Harry sighed and casted the standard immobulus charm, as he was taught to do with all his suspicious figures. Although, usually, every part of them freezes in place.


Shit. Draco had been caught. All of him had been frozen. Except, of course, for the chain.

The enchanted iron links slithered out of Draco's bag and grew in size. His eyes bugged out of his head trying to see exactly who was being bound, exactly who had caught him. Unfortunately they were right in his blind spot. He could hear the chains snap together around his attacker and tighten.

"What the hell-" a very familiar voice cursed behind him, "Expelliarmus,"

Draco's wand flew from his pocket and clattered on to the ground. The man was casting little spells on the chain, trying to break free. He struggle to speak and explain himself. The man behind him sighed and released his mouth from the immobulus charm.

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